module 17-urinary, endocrinology, oncology

This class was created by Brainscape user Unknown Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Approach to Polyuria/Polydipsia
What is the value of,
What is the concentration of urin...,
What is the concentration of urin...
17  cards
Approach to and Management of Acute Azotaemia in Small Animals
What is the most common hospital ...,
What does glomerular filtration r...,
Where is urea synthesised
22  cards
Approach to CKD
Definition of renal disease,
Renal insufficiency,
3 stages of cause of ckd
23  cards
Approach to Proteinuria, Pyelonephritis and Renal Neoplasia
What are some physiological cause...,
What are some pre renal causes of...,
What are some renal causes of pro...
38  cards
Approach to and Management of LUT and Prostatic Disease
65  cards
Urethral Obstruction in the Male Dog and Cat
List some causes of urethral obst...,
What is flutd,
What are crystals in urine are no...
36  cards
Approach to Urinary Tract Problems and Liver Disease in Cows
Urinary disease clinical signs in...,
Which kidney to you palpate when ...,
Suggest ways to get urine sample ...
44  cards
Recognition and analysis of bodily fluids
Categorize the 3 types of bce bas...,
Name the three body cavity spaces...,
Which tube s do i use to collect ...
37  cards
Approach to Small Animal Patient with Suspected Diabetes Mellitus
Define diabetes mellitus,
Outline pathogenesis of diabetes ...,
What organ releases insulin
32  cards
Approach to diabetic patient and hypoadrenocorticism
Summarise cause of dka,
Functions of insuline,
Clinical signs of ketoacidosis
27  cards
Approach to Small Animal patient with suspected Hyperadrenocorticism
Hypoadrenocorticism in small anim...,
State 2 causes of hyperadrenocort...,
State 2 causes of spontaneous hyp...
18  cards
Approach to small animal patient with suspected Hypoadrenocorticism
Cause of hypoadrenocorticism,
Breeds predisposed to hypoadrenoc...,
What are the effects of low corti...
18  cards
Small Animal Obesity - An Epidemic
6 ways to reduce weight,
Energy requirement for weight los...,
Energy requirement for weight los...
7  cards
Hypothyroidism Weight Gain
Effects of thyroid hormones,
What is the most common primary c...,
What breed is genetically predisp...
15  cards
Does hypoerthyroidism occur happe...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
Describe the tumour that causes h...
15  cards
PUPD Horse
Horses have a passive overflow of...,
What is urethral diverticular con...,
Clinical signs of
20  cards
Obesity & related disorders in the horse
What is cresty neck score,
Outline obesity feeding managemen...,
Equine metabolic syndrome
26  cards
Approach to the Laminitic Horse
Outline of getting history if sus...,
Outline approach to a full physic...
17  cards
Approach to the Cancer Patient and Paraneoplastic Syndromes
What are the odds of canine cancer,
What organ system is the most com...,
What tumour type are giant large ...
72  cards
Any tumour with distant metastasis, blood or BM involvement
Lymphoma clinical signs,
What is the most common type of l...
48  cards
Cancer Treatment (Chemotherapy)
Chemotherapy aims,
Rank haemopoietic mast cell tumou...,
Two types of chemotherapy treatments
55  cards
Cytotoxic safety and Chemo administration
What are the routes for drugs in ...,
How long does chop protocol last for,
What are the routes for drugs in ...
9  cards
Approach to skin and soft tissue tumours
Diagnosis of skin tumours,
Where is the most common site of ...,
What does tnm mean when staging s...
53  cards
Cancer treatment (Surgery)
What are the 3 roles of surgery i...,
6 principles of oncological surgery,
Options for biopsies of skin tumours
20  cards
Skin reconstructive surgery
Halsteads principles 6 principles,
Suggest ways to accompluish,
Suggest ways to accomplish1 stric...
20  cards
Approach to Mammary Tumours
What is the most common type of n...,
Prognosis of mammary tumour in th...,
Prognosis of mammary tumour in th...
46  cards
Lumps and Poisoning of Farm Animals
Neoplasia differences to sa equine,
Treatment for various lumps tumou...,
What is the cattle specific lump ...
9  cards

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module 17-urinary, endocrinology, oncology

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