modern studies - higher

This class was created by Brainscape user Findlay Lewis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Social issues - Inequalities - Gender
How many women loose their job si...,
What percentage of part time work...,
What percentage of the labour mar...
15  cards
Social issues - Inequalities - Ethnicity
What was the unemployment rate fo...,
What groups had the highest unemp...,
Who had the lowest unemployment r...
18  cards
Social issues - Inequalities - health
What ratio of people in the uk li...,
What is the healthy life expectan...,
What did a scottish government re...
16  cards
Social issues - Government measures to fight inequality
When was minimum unit pricing int...,
How many alcohol related deaths w...,
How many alcohol related deaths w...
14  cards
Political issues - Voting behaviour
What party are the working class ...,
How does education influence voti...,
What is the issues with political...
25  cards
Political issues - Electoral systems
What is the ideal criteria that a...,
What is the fptp system used for,
What is ams used for
19  cards
Political issues - Holding government to account
What days dies the scottish parli...,
What do the msp s in the scottish...,
How do msp s in scottish parliame...
14  cards
USA - income and education inequalities in the USA
What percentage of black children...,
What are the six factors of inequ...,
How many white children were from...
22  cards
USA - health inequalities in the USA
Where do most americans get their...,
What percentage of the usa popula...,
How many americans lose their hom...
17  cards
USA - housing and crime inequalities
What are ghettoised housing areas...,
What is the link between income a...,
What is the link between income a...
11  cards
USA - Federal government
What are the three branches of go...,
What does the legislative branch ...,
What does the executive branch co...
18  cards
USA - as a world super power
What are the three factors to reg...,
What percent of the total worlds ...,
What was the us defence spend in ...
11  cards

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modern studies - higher

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