This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Mcgarry. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

terrorism - causes
What are political causes of terr...,
Explain dictatorships,
What is an example of dictatorships
12  cards
terrorism - consequences
What are consequences of terroris...,
Explain fear and give an example,
Explain death and injury and give...
13  cards
terrorism - responses
What are the uks responses to ter...,
Explain contest and give an example,
Explain m15 jtac and give an example
16  cards
crime and the law - causes
What are biological factors of crime,
What are the social factors of crime,
What are the economic causes of c...
15  cards
crime and the law - impacts
What are the impacts of crime on ...,
What are the physical impacts of ...,
What are the social impacts of cr...
18  cards
crime and the law - responses
What are methods used by the poli...,
Stop and search,
Why is stop and search effective
10  cards
responses to crime - non custodial sentencing
What are the main non custodial s...,
Explain community payback orders ...,
What are the successes and failur...
6  cards
crime and the law - courts
What are the sentencing powers of...,
What are the sentencing powers of,
What are the sentencing powers of
3  cards
skills questions
What are the steps of a support o...,
What are the steps of a decision ...,
What is the structure of a conclu...
3  cards
democracy - power and decision making
What is devolution,
What are examples of devolved powers,
What are examples of reserved powers
15  cards
democracy - participation
What are the rights and responsib...,
Describe in detail the rights and...,
How can people participate in sco...
21  cards
democracy - influence
What are methods used by the medi...,
Describe in detail methods used b...,
What are the arguments for the me...
10  cards
democracy - representation
What are roles of msps in the con...,
Describe in detail the roles of m...,
3  cards

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modern studies

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