This class was created by Brainscape user Eva McLoughlin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (98)

Reasons for the cold war
Name the 2 most important reasons...,
Who was involved in the cold war,
What is the definition of a cold war
5  cards
Who was apart of the grand alliance,
How long were the grand alliance ...,
Who were the leaders of grand all...
5  cards
Tensions between leaders
What were the agreements between ...,
What were the disagreements betwe...
2  cards
Why there were poor relations between the west and USSR before WW2
Give the main reason for a poor r...,
Explain how ideological differenc...,
What was the most important disag...
11  cards
Early conflict - Russian revolution
Why did the soviets resent britai...,
Why did britain france resent the...
2  cards
Poor relations in 1920s - 30s
What happened in 1922,
What big agreement happened in 19...,
What is the nazi soviet pact when...
4  cards
Tehran Conference 1943
What were the agreements of the c...,
What were the disagreements of th...,
List the leaders present at tehran
5  cards
Yalta conference 1945
When did yalta take place,
Which leaders were present,
What is the background on yalta
6  cards
Potsdam Conference 1945
When did potsdam take place,
Which leaders were present,
What are the key factors of the b...
3  cards
What happened between 1941 1945,
What happened in 1945,
When did the communist revolution...
29  cards
communism in Europe
Which countries did the ussr libe...,
What is a satellite state,
Why did ussr turn east europe com...
5  cards
truman doctrine March 1947
What is truman saying in the trum...,
What was the purpose of the truma...,
What is the truman doctrine
6  cards
Answering the "what impression does the author give about.." question
What does toes stand for,
What is tone language,
What is overall impression
5  cards
How many superpowers were involve...,
How many years was the second fro...,
27 million casualties
8  cards
cold war arms race 1945 - 1963
What were the effects of nuclear ...,
What is a nuclear arms race
2  cards
Iron Curtain Speech march 1946
When did the speech take place,
What was the essence of the speech,
What is the emphasis on
6  cards
the Marshall plan 1948
When was the marshall plan announced,
Who created the marshall plan,
What was said in the marshall plan
6  cards
Cominform (1947) and Comecon (1949)
What is the full name for cominform,
What is the full name for comecon,
What was cominform established
10  cards
The berlin crisis - 1947-49
What is the background to the ber...,
Why was it an issues for berlin t...,
What actions did stalin take to d...
9  cards
the berlin blockade
How long did the berlin blockade ...,
What essentially was the berlin b...,
What was stalin trying to achieve...
8  cards
the creation of NATO june 1949
What does nato stand for,
Who was included in nato originally,
How did the soviets take this
4  cards
the division of Germany, 1949
How long was germany divided into...,
What was the name of previously w...,
What was the name of previously e...
4  cards
The Korean war 1950-53
Who did north korea have the supp...,
What kind of war was the korean war
2  cards
The arms/space race between USSR + USA (1949-1963)
What year did the space race start,
When did the arms race start how,
What does mad stand for what is it
5  cards
The warsaw pact 1955
Who created the warsaw pact,
What was the purpose of the warsa...,
Which countries were involved wit...
4  cards
Khrushchev - (1953 - 1964)
Why did krushchev come to power,
What was a famous concept of khru...,
What were khrushchev s aims withi...
4  cards
The Hungarian uprising - 1956
What is true about hungary with i...,
Hoe many hungarians died in the u...,
Hoe many soviets died in the upri...
14  cards
The summit meetings 1959 - 61
When was the u2 spy plan shot down,
What happened at the paris summit
2  cards
Cuban revolt + Cuban missile crisis (1959-62)
Who lead the revolutionaries in cuba,
When did the cuban revolt begin,
When did castro make an agreement...
13  cards
Czechoslovakia revolution - Prague Spring 1968
When does dubcek become leader of...,
When did czechoslovakia start dem...,
Why did they revolt
8  cards
What is detente,
What new agreements were introduc...,
What was the the hotline for
12  cards
RUSSIA - Tsarist rule 1905
What kind of society was russia i...,
Who was the tsar in 1905,
List characteristics of nicholas ii
16  cards
Causes and consequences of the 1905 revolution in Russia
What 2 events triggered the revolt,
What was the war against japan,
What are key facts as to why russ...
10  cards
Events of The Russian Revolution 1905
What caused potemkin mutiny in june,
Why did the russian revolt start,
What events happened throughout r...
3  cards
Nicholas and the Dumas
What political parties were there...,
What were the fundamental laws of...,
Which 2 dumas lasted the whole 5 ...
6  cards
Stolypin's land reform
What was his reform called,
What was the target of this reform,
Did the reform become successful
5  cards
Lena Goldfield strike
When was stolypin assassinated,
By how much did industrial strike...,
Where did it take place
10  cards
Russia and WW1
Why did the russian army suffer b...,
What political,
What economic issues did russia h...
9  cards
2.2 The influence of Rasputin
When did the tsarina gain control...,
Why didn t people like rasputin,
When was rasputin shot
4  cards
Russia on the brink of revolution in 1917
Political reasons,
Social reasons,
Military reasons
5  cards
23rd 1917,
23 25th feb 1917,
25th feb
8  cards
February revolt 1917
When did it start with what event,
How many people were marching thr...,
Which regiment did the soldiers m...
8  cards
3.1 - Weaknesses and Mistakes of the Provisional Government
What were the 3 biggest problems ...,
What is dual control,
What were the 8 principles of the...
8  cards
June offensive 1917
Who launched the offensive,
Why did kerensky launch the offen...,
What was the result of the offensive
3  cards
Petrograd Soviet and Provisional Government relationship
Who made up the pg,
Who made up the ps,
What is both pg and ps ruling called
5  cards
3.2 the activities of Lenin and the Bolsheviks
Who helped lenin back to russia,
Why did germany help lenin,
Why did lenin go back to russia
8  cards
The Kornilov Revolt August 1917
What position does kerensky hold,
What position does kornilov hold,
What did kornilov do
5  cards
3.3 The Bolshevik takeover
What happens on the 10th of octob...,
What happens on the 21st of octob...,
What does mrc stand for
10  cards
4.1 The Bolsheviks Consolidation of power oct 1917
Meaning of consolidation,
What government was made after b ...,
What is a decree
6  cards
How do the Bolsheviks cause the civil war
What were the percentage votes fo...,
When were the constituent assembl...,
When was the 1st meeting of the c...
9  cards
4.2 Causes of the Russian Civil War
What were the consequences of the...,
What were the consequences of the...,
What were the consequences of the...
7  cards
4.2 Civil war
Who was on the red side of the ci...,
Who was on the white side includi...,
What were traits of the red side
6  cards
5.1 War Communism
What were the reasons for war com...,
What were the key features of war...,
What was the sec supreme economic...
8  cards
5.2 The Kronstadt Naval Mutiny
When does the mutiny take place,
How many sailors mutined,
Why did they mutiny
6  cards
5.3 Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP)
Why did lenin need a new economic...,
What did the nep do,
What were the principles of the nep
5  cards
5.4 achievements of Lenin to 1924
How and when did lenin die
1  cards
1.1 China in the early 20th century
What were key points about the go...,
What were key points about the ru...,
What were key points about the cu...
11  cards
1.2 The impact of the Boxer uprising and the 'Self Strengthening' reform
Who ruled at the time,
What is guangxu s relation to cix...,
Which treaties and wars show expl...
14  cards
1.3 The 1911 revolution
When did guangxu and cixi die,
How old is puyi when he is emperor,
Who ruled as regent for puyi
8  cards
1.4 China under the War lords, the May 4th Movement + rise of Guomindong
What period was the warlords era,
Who ruled how was china split,
How did the warlords run china
21  cards
1.5 The Development of the United Front
Where and when was the chinese co...,
Who was elected the first leader,
What were the initial figures for...
28  cards
2.1 The Long March
What happened on 16th oct 1938,
What tactics did otto braun sugge...,
Why did braun lead the ccp to fai...
7  cards
2.2 War with Japan
When did japan invade manchuria 1...,
Why didn t chiang chase out the j...,
What happened in 1937
7  cards
2.3 + 2.4 Features of the Chinese Civil War & why CCP won
Which 3 parts can the civil war b...,
What were the conditions of china...,
Why did the gmd have the upper hand
9  cards
3.1 changes in Agriculture under Mao
When did mao introduce the agrari...,
How did the ccp workers intervien...,
How many landlords were killed in...
16  cards
3.2 Changes in Industry
What was the 5 yr plan when,
What was the starting point for i...,
What was achieved in the 5yr plan
10  cards
3.3 Changes in the role of women
What law was passed when that for...,
What other agreements were passed...,
How far did the role of women cha...
3  cards
3.4 Political changes
How has leadership changed from 1...,
How did mao maintain control of c...
18  cards
3.5 The influence of USSR on developments in China
What was china s relationship w u...,
What is the treaty of friendship ...,
Why did mao need a friendship all...
8  cards
4.1 + 4.2 Mao's motives and the cultural revolution
What is the background on leaders...,
Why does mao return as head of st...,
What does mao do to signify his r...
12  cards
4.3 Effects of the Cultural Revolution
What are some criteria s that can...,
How was mao s position altered du...,
How was chinese economy altered d...
5  cards
5.1 Rise and fall of the Gang of Four
Who were the top candidates for m...,
Why did the gang of four arise,
When did lin biao die
28  cards
5.2 Economic change under Deng Xiaoping
What time period was deng leader for,
What was a key factor about deng ...,
What were deng s aims as leader
25  cards
5.3 Deng and Political Reform
Why was deng opposed to political...,
What is poes,
7  cards
5.4 Student opposition and Tiananmen Square
What happened at the student prot...,
What did the student protesters want,
What was deng s reaction to the s...
19  cards
China Timeline (complete list of events and dates)
Who was in power in 1901,
What happened in 1901 event and e...,
61  cards
1.1 The US political system
When was the constitution formed,
What is the american constitution,
What is the government for the wh...
17  cards
1.2 The Cold War and the 'Red Scare'
What was the red scare,
What events aided fear of the uss...
2  cards
1.3 Events in the US + the 'Red Scare'
What is the fbi,
What was the role of the fbi in t...,
What is huac and how was it invol...
8  cards
1.4 The role of McCarthy in the red scare
Who was mccarthy and why did he b...,
On what basis did people think mc...
18  cards
2.1 Segregation and discrimination
What were the jim crow laws what ...,
What was different about the nort...,
Why do north and south differ in ...
5  cards
2.2 Brown v Topeka (+ impact)
What was the plessy v ferguson ru...,
What does naacp stand for and wha...,
What was the brown v topkea rulin...
9  cards
2.3 + 2.4 Montgomery Bus Boycott
Who was rosa parks,
What happend with rosa parks to s...,
How many days did the boycott las...
14  cards
2.5 Enforcing School Desegregation
How many schools had integrated b...,
What was so significant about lit...,
How many blackkids were invited t...
9  cards
3.1 Protests 1960-63
What happened at the greensboroug...,
What happened after the demonstar...,
Where were the 4 students from th...
9  cards
3.1 Freedom Rides 1961
What is the general formula for a...,
What happened in boynton v virginia,
What was the purpose of the freed...
18  cards
3.2 Protests 1963-65 Birmingham
Why did mlk become a cr leader,
What were mlk s beliefs for cr ac...,
When was mlk assassinated
10  cards
3.2 Protests 1963-65 - Washington
Why did they march on washington,
When was the march for jobs and f...,
Why was august 1963 picked for ma...
5  cards
3.2 Protests 1963-65 Mississippi Freedom Summer
Why mississippi,
What does mfdp stand for
9  cards
3.3 Civil Rights Legislation
When was the civil rights act,
How was the civil rights act 1964...,
What did the civil rights act decree
13  cards
3.4 protests 1966-74 - Malcom X
Why did the black power movement ...,
What are the key features of blac...,
What were 2 major black power org...
16  cards
3.4 March against fear
When was the march against fear,
Who lead the march on fear,
Who takes over after meredith is ...
16  cards
3.4 Protests 1966-74 - Mainstream CR movement
When was the chicago freedom move...,
What did the chicago freedom move...,
What did operation breadbasket in...
14  cards
4.1 Reasons for the growth of protest movements
What were the 6 main reasons for ...,
Why did the vietnam war increase ...,
Why did the cr movement increase ...
11  cards
4.2 Student Protests
How many people went to uni by 1970,
What type of people went to uni,
In what decades were students mor...
37  cards
4.3 Women's Movement
What was women s position in soci...,
What was the impact of ww2 on the...,
Why was there change in the role ...
21  cards
5.1 Reasons for + key features of the Watergate Scandal
What 2 years saw nixon s election...,
When did nixon resign,
When were the pentagon papers rel...
40  cards
5.2 The impact of Watergate
What was the election campaign act,
What were the 3 most important le...,
What was the congress budget impo...
7  cards

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