This class was created by Brainscape user Abby Michaud. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Virus tropism & entry
Name 4 cellular barriers to virus...,
What are the 7 major stages of vi...,
Name a few ways viruses enter cel...
30  cards
What are some challenges with des...,
Name 7 possible antiviral targets,
Why is acylovir important for tre...
24  cards
Eradicating viruses
What are the animal equivalents o...,
What virus causes small pox,
What are the two forms of smallpox
39  cards
What are three major concerns reg...,
What are two unique aspects of cn...,
What are the 5 classifications of...
40  cards
Viruses for Good
Describe how parasitoids and hype...,
How does the parasitic wasp s egg...,
How do polydnavirus affect the pa...
24  cards
Oncolytic Viruses I - Specificity
What is an oncogene vs tumor supp...,
Describe the cdk ras and e2f onco...,
Describe the general features of ...
26  cards
Oncolytic Viruses II - Potency
How does changing serotypes impro...,
How was ad5 adapted towards cance...,
Which mutation in virus could pro...
23  cards
Article 1: an OV expressing a T-cell engager simultaenously targets cancer and immunosuppressive stromal cells
What is the idea of this paper,
What is the significance of cance...,
Cafs are enriched for fibroblast ...
16  cards
Article 2: Targeting CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling with oncolytic virotherapy disrupts tumor vasculature and inhibits breast cancer metastases
What is the goal of this paper,
What are vv s modifications for s...,
Why add a cxcr4 antagonist
18  cards
Article 3: Adenovirus armed with TNFa and IL-2 added to aPD-1 regiment mediates antitumor efficacy in tumors refractory to aPD-1
What is the goal of this paper,
How is adenovirus modified to be ...,
How is adenovirus modified to con...
10  cards
Repurposing Virus Like Particles in Materials Design
Describe how infectious p22 is as...,
How is p22 vlp made to be a contr...,
What are the benefits vs challeng...
8  cards
Gene Therapy
What is gene therapy what are thr...,
For the following vectors identif...,
Pros and cons of aavs
18  cards
Viral Vaccines
What is the herd immunity goal in...,
How does immune memory impact pro...,
Is the sars cov2 vaccine effective
6  cards

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