This class was created by Brainscape user Sam Hopkins. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

Introduction to the Musculoskeletal System
Functions of cartilage,
3 types of cartilage,
How much of which fibres are foun...
16  cards
Muscles and Movements
Where does the main artery usuall...,
Where do accessory arteries enter...,
Why don t blood vessels bridge be...
15  cards
Introduction to the Musculoskeletal System (AP)
What is the most superficial laye...,
What is the specific name for the...,
What structures are formed from d...
43  cards
Bone and Cartilage
Functions of the skeleton,
What is the skeleton preformed as...,
Functions of cartilage
20  cards
The Shoulder and Pectoral Girdle
3 joints of the shoulder complex,
Proximal and distal articulations...,
Proximal landmarks of the humerus
86  cards
Distribution of Blood Supply and Nerves in the Upper Limb
What branch of the aortic arch su...,
2 divisions of the brachiocephali...,
At what anatomical level does the...
37  cards
Joints: Stability, Support and Movement
Types of joint,
Types of fibrous joint,
What are the bones united by in a...
40  cards
The Pectoral Girdle and the Shoulder Joint (AP)
3 joints of the shoulder complex,
Function of the glenoid labrum,
Muscles of the rotator cuff group
19  cards
The Brachial Plexus and Nerve Distribution in the Upper Limb (AP)
Which structures form the apex of...,
Which structures form the medial ...,
Which structures form the anterio...
12  cards
The Arm, Forearm and Elbow Joint (AP)
What type of joint is the elbow,
Which movements occur at the elbow,
What does the interosseus membran...
21  cards
The Wrist, Carpal Tunnel and Hand (AP)
Which structures form the carpal ...,
Contents of the carpal tunnel,
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome
21  cards
Overview of Upper Limb Anatomy 2
Regions of upper limb proximal to...,
Osteological components of the pe...,
Osteological components of the arm
31  cards
Common Upper Limb Injuries
Principles of managing soft tissu...,
How can a dislocated shoulder be ...,
Initial management principles of ...
19  cards
Osteology of the Skull and TMJ
2 components of the skull,
How many bones form the skull,
What type of joint joins most of ...
31  cards
Muscles of the Neck and Back
Which muscle divides the anterior...,
2 groups of muscles that move hyo...,
Suprahyoid muscles
39  cards
Bones and Joints of the Lower Limb
Main bones of lower limb,
Main joints of lower limb,
3 bones forming innominate hip bone
50  cards
Lower Limb Plexi and Sciatica
What is a plexus,
2 plexuses of the lumbosacral plexus,
Where is the lumbosacral plexus l...
30  cards
Histology of Cartilage and Bone
Types of fibres in ecm,
What are the main types of fibril...,
Which glycosaminoglycans are pres...
30  cards
Histology of Bone, Cartilage, Joints and Synovium
2 classifications of bone develop...,
What bones develop by intramembra...,
Formation of primary ossification...
31  cards
The Pelvis & Pelvic Floor (AP)
Which muscles form the muscular w...,
What prevents displacement of abd...,
Muscles of the pelvic floor
16  cards
The Gluteal Region & Hip Joint (AP)
What type of joint is the hip joint,
What movements are attainable at ...,
Intra capsular ligaments of the h...
19  cards
Musculoskeletal Embryology
What does paraxial mesoderm form ...,
What do somites divide into,
What does the dermomyotome divide...
26  cards
Musculofascial Compartments of the Lower Limb
What type of joint is the hip joint,
What movements are attainable at ...,
Tissue layers of the thigh
22  cards
Applied Spinal Trauma
What vertebral levels are the spi...,
What is a radiculopathy,
What is a myelopathy
26  cards
The Thigh & The Knee Joint (AP)
3 compartments of the thigh,
Movements performed by the muscle...,
Nerves supplying each compartment...
26  cards
The Popliteal Fossa & Leg (AP)
Distal articulations of the leg,
Compartments of the leg,
What are the broad actions of eac...
11  cards
Lower Limb Trauma
Anatomical and physiological cons...,
How many places does a rigid ring...,
What are the rigid rings of the p...
38  cards
The Skull & Muscles of the Head (AP)
Divisions of the cranium,
What joints hold the bones of the...,
Fibrous joints between cranial bo...
22  cards
The Vertebral Column (AP)
5 regions of vertebral column how...,
4 main functions of vertebral column,
Borders of vertebral foramen
38  cards
The Ankle Joint & Foot (AP)
Tarsal bones,
Ligaments stabilising ankle joint...,
What type of joint is the ankle
11  cards
Arterial Tree of Lower Limb
3 tissue layers of a generic bloo...,
Where does the descending aorta s...,
2 parts of descending aorta
20  cards
Key phases of the gait cycle,
Stride vs step,
Different double limb stances of ...
33  cards

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