This class was created by Brainscape user Tin sy. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Recht deel 1
Why do we need a justice system,
Wat are the general principles of...,
What is criminal law about
17  cards
Recht deel 2
What are the 2 keywords of crimin...,
What is a criminal act in itself,
What are the 2 keywords of admini...
23  cards
Recht overig
What is a natural person,
What is legal entity,
What laws fall under public law
18  cards
Liver 1
What does the liver do in the body,
What 4 livers are there during pr...,
What is a fibrotic liver
21  cards
Liver 2
What does the parenchyme consist ...,
What are the most important non p...,
What is a sinusoid and what does ...
21  cards
Kidneys deel 1
What are 3 functions of kidneys,
What happens during excretion of ...,
What are four factors of kidneys
17  cards
Kidneys deel 2
What can be regulated by hormones,
What is adh and what does it do 3,
What happens when you have diabet...
17  cards
Kidneys deel 3
What is the main difference betwe...,
What are symptoms of acute renal ...,
What types of acute renal damage ...
10  cards
Nervous system 1
What are some functions of the br...,
Brain is 2 of the body weight but,
What does central nervous system ...
21  cards
Nervous system 2
What is the resting membrane pote...,
How do you get difference in char...,
What happens during action potential
20  cards
Drugs and addiction
What types of drugs are there 4,
How is it decided how harmful dru...,
What substances are most addictin...
23  cards
Forensic Toxicology - Guest 1
What is forensic toxicology,
What does pharmacokinetics describe
20  cards
Forensic Toxicology - Guest 2
What are the legal limits of alco...,
What are 3 steps in the driving u...,
What are pre selection tests 3
9  cards
Kinetics NL deel 1
Welke aspecten vallen onder kinetics,
Wat betekent kinetics,
Waar gaat kinetics over
21  cards
Kinetics NL deel 2
Wat doet een kinetisch model,
Met welke data wordt een kinetisc...,
Welke 2 soorten modellen zijn er
24  cards

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minor p4

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