This class was created by Brainscape user Ezrah Isaac Roy. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Lab lect 1
What is another name for visceral...,
What causes visceral leishaniasis,
What causes cutanenous leishmaniasis
17  cards
Lecture 1
What are protists,
What are nematodes,
True or false parasites are only ...
30  cards
Lecture 2
When was the first death of ebola...,
Which villages did ebola spread to,
Which countries did ebola spread
35  cards
Lab lect 2
Why did we do a gel for the crispr,
True or false we also used a gene...,
What was the strain we were looki...
4  cards
Lecture 3
How many cases of cutaneous leish,
How many cases of visceral leish,
Where are 50 of the visceral leis...
36  cards
Lect 4
What is ambisome used for,
What is post kala azar dermal leish,
True or false there is more asymp...
23  cards
Lect 5
Why is there more of leish in cer...,
What was the disease that was the...,
What is sickle cell anemia
36  cards
Lecture 6
Why does plasmodium does not wann...,
What is the role of pfemp1 or pfp...,
What does pfps bind to on platele...
26  cards
Lab lect 3
What is the giemsa stain,
Giemsa stain is used for staining...,
How is the blood collected for a ...
16  cards
Lecture 7
True or false kinetoplastida incl...,
Which trypanosome is only in huma...,
Trypanosome brucei life cycle
42  cards
Samoa red flag,
Why are some vaccinnes more succe...,
What are the 3 malaria vaccine ta...
20  cards
vector control
What are mosquitos attracted to,
Gr1 3 are blocked by what,
Changing environment temp and ph ...
18  cards
Lab exam
1  cards
What is the smallest nematode par...,
True or false trichinella is food...,
Prevalence of swine trichinellosi...
82  cards
What is the source of cercarie of...,
What is the most important human ...,
How many people infected with sch...
84  cards
What is the type of tissues that ...,
All nematodes that are parasidic ...,
How many eggs per day for stongyl...
50  cards
True or false echinococcus is a z...,
Adult echino parasitize the gi tr...,
For echino larval stage hydatid c...
56  cards
What are the factors of custicerc...,
Cysticercosis is primarily in what,
Humans are what host of taenia
40  cards
True or false filaria is a roundworm,
Where do adult filaria live,
Microfilaria embyos live where
80  cards
Strongyloidiasis is caused by what,
What is the fourth most important...,
What is the mortality for strongy...
53  cards
Cryptosporidium is classified in ...,
All parasites in the apicomplexa ...,
The species of coccidia develop w...
75  cards
amebiasis is caused by what
Amebiasis is caused by what,
Brumpt 1949 proposed to establish...,
In 1993 it was decided that the i...
41  cards
True or false giardia is a protozoa,
True or false giardia is non flag...,
Who found giardia first
64  cards
True or false toxo is a protozoa,
True or false toxo is a coccidia ...,
True or false toxo gondii is a fo...
80  cards

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mimm 413

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