This class was created by Brainscape user Lu Su. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

CBL 1_PROM and Early Labour
How often does term prom occur,
How many of term prom people go i...,
Difference bw pprom and prom
66  cards
CBL 2_Active Labour and Non-Pharmacological Pain Management
Mechanisms of labour for oa,
Mechanisms of labour for op,
How can we avoid causing iatrogen...
68  cards
CBL 3_Second Stage Management, Nuchal Cord
What does a 2nd generally do at a...,
What does a 2nd generally do at a...,
What do you include in your full ...
55  cards
CBL 4_Pharmacological Pain Management and Induction of Labour
What is cervix ripening,
What are some non pharmaceutical ...,
What non pharmacological methods ...
77  cards
CBL 5_Waterbirth, Precipitous Birth, Newborn Dermatitis
What drugs activate g1,
What does receptor that oxytocin ...,
What drugs can compliment each ot...
46  cards
CBL 6_Meconium, Home Birth Transfer, Newborn Hips
What are current iap reccomendati...,
What is the first line tx for gbs...,
What is a consideration when some...
26  cards
CBL 7_Third Stage Management, Placentas, Newborn Innocent Heart Murmur
Recs on ves and prom,
Baths with prom,
Does prom alone as a risk factor ...
34  cards
CBL 8_Perineal health, Newborn transient tachypnea & hypothermia
Can prenatal perineal massage pre...,
What can be done to prevent teari...,
Hands on or hands off hands poised
57  cards
CBL 9_Cesarean Birth, PostOp recovery, Sexual Health
What are the inoperative immediat...,
What are the post operative risks...,
What are some long term risks for...
34  cards
201_Postdates and Third Stage
Define the 3rd stage of labor,
How long does the 3rd stage usual...,
Explain the physiology of the 3rd...
25  cards
201_GBS screening and prophylaxis_prepping for birth
How do you store gbs swab,
When use edinburgh perinatal post...,
Do we use epds universally
26  cards
201_Newborn_first 24 hours and adaptations and discomfort of pp_safe sleep
What are you checking in prenatal...,
How often check vital signs of ad...,
What are you observing in adult i...
18  cards
What is ittprom,
Why does prom happen,
Factors that may contribute to prom
92  cards

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