microbiota on mucosal

This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Safrankova. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

LA3- Genomics
What did they use first for singl...,
What is metagenomics,
What does this bypass need for
52  cards
L4/5 Gut Mucosa
What is mucus composed of,
Explain the structure of mucin,
Which part is o glycosylated on s...
92  cards
L6/7: Microbiota And Health/disease
What are the major phyla of the gut,
How is it murualistic,
Explain their role in biosynthesis
97  cards
L1- Intro Mucosal Surfaces
What is the sa of mucosal surfaces,
What sorts of cells like the gi t...,
What s the diff between immediate...
62  cards
La2- Mucosal Immune System
How are ilc non specific,
So how are they stimulated,
Give example of a parasite contro...
89  cards
L8/9- Salmonella
What type of bacteria are they,
What 2 types are there,
How have some adapted to not be k...
95  cards
LA10- Viruses At Mucosal Surface
Give 3 gut mucosal viruses presen...,
Which vaccines have been effectiv...,
Which has variable responses
81  cards
B1- Intro To Parasitic Protozoa
What are protozoa protists,
Why would you study them genomically,
What have multicellular life eg p...
72  cards
B2- T Brucei Intro
Wht 2 types of brunei are there,
What arthropod vector,
Which trypanosoma causes chagas d...
33  cards
B3- Replication Of Kinetoplast Dna
How many copies of kinetoplast ar...,
Why are they on flagella base,
How is ktdna constructed
47  cards
B4 - Txn And Rna Processing
If human genes are monocystronic ...,
What sort of tandem repeated gene...,
Is mature mrna likeneuk capped an...
45  cards
B5- Antigenic Switch Trypanosoma
What are the waves of parasitemia,
How does it cover surface,
How many gene copies of vsg
43  cards
B6- Gut Parasites And Giardia SAV
Which 2 gut parasites are common ...,
How does this compare to entamoeb...,
Which way do they all transmit
86  cards
Comparative Protozoan Genomics
Give some reasons why you d do it,
How much coding capacity does cry...,
What are reads combined into scaf...
74  cards
B8- Trichomonas
What lineage and phylum are they ...,
Give the 3 main species 1 being i...,
What is t vag commonly associated...
71  cards
B9- Trichomonas II
Other than the virulence we discu...,
Why do higher euk have many dupli...,
Since this isn t the case for me ...
60  cards
C1/2 Intro And Mycoses
Give some examples of fungi,
What does heterotrophic mean,
Explain the use of fungi in biote...
81  cards
C3 Antifungal Treatment
Why are there only 3 classes lice...,
Give an example of why systemic i...,
Since the aids epidemic what emer...
72  cards
C5- Virulence Determinants In Candida
Give some examples where candida ...,
What are the 4 stages of infection,
What are the main components or a...
55  cards
C4- Fungi-immunity And Genetics
What do most prr use as adaptors ...,
What is the importance of prr in ...,
What does tlr4 recognise and in h...
62  cards
C6- Cryptococcus Virulence
Where can you find it,
How do they usually reproduce,
What mating type are 95 of them c...
59  cards
C7- Fungal Collaborators And Competitors
What is ammensalism,
What sorts of things can bacteria...,
What sorts of things can fungi mo...
49  cards

More about
microbiota on mucosal

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