microbiology lab

This class was created by Brainscape user Rey Rodriguez. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Preparing a Smear and Simple Stain Quiz
What does the term smear mean,
Are we observing live or dead spe...,
What was the first step of prepar...
24  cards
Acid-Fast staining (Kingoun method) quiz
What is the reason for the necess...,
Why are acid fast bacteria called...,
What two specimens will we be usi...
12  cards
Lab Exam 1
What are some objects that are re...,
What is the power of the ocular lens,
What are the powers of the four o...
101  cards
Culturing terminology and streak plating quiz
What is a culture,
What is inoculum,
What is a growth medium media
19  cards
Bacterial Transformation Quiz
What is bacterial transformation,
What is competence,
Which bacteria are naturally comp...
12  cards
Lab Exam 2
What is a culture,
What is an inoculum,
Why do we use aseptic technique i...
78  cards
Selective and differential experiment quiz
What is the definition of selecti...,
What is the definition of differe...,
What were the three specific plat...
16  cards
Gram + Sphere Project
For the growth at 45 experiment w...,
What gives a pos neg result in th...,
What tool did we use to inoculate...
13  cards
Gram + Project Wednesday Quiz
What does the blood agar plate te...,
What color is the blood agar plat...,
What does the blood agar plate co...
16  cards
Gram + Project Monday Quiz
What does the novobiocin test for,
What is novobiocin how does it work,
What is a pos neg for the novobio...
12  cards
Lab Exam 3
What are examples of simple stain,
What are examples of differential...,
What are the four steps of differ...
166  cards

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microbiology lab

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