This class was created by Brainscape user Corinna Samaniego. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Immunodeficiency Disorders
Recurrent infections with pyogeni...,
Recurrent infections with fungi v...,
Low levels of all immunoglobulins...
21  cards
Gram Negative Rods
Bordet gengou agar whooping cough,
Poorly gram staining silver stain...,
Satellite phenomenon around s aureus
71  cards
Other Bacteria
Undulating fever,
Infection from rabbits deer or ro...,
Most virulent bacteria causes bub...
82  cards
Gram Positive Cocci
Catalase positive coagulase positive,
Catalase positive coagulase negat...,
Catalase positive coagulase negat...
50  cards
Miscellaneous Must-Knows
Encapsulated bacteria 7,
Bacteria that do not show up on g...,
Anaerobes 3
20  cards
Gram Positive Rods
Aerobic nonmotile spore forming b...,
Aerobic motile spore forming rehe...,
Anaerobic tennis racket like spor...
26  cards
Gram Negative Cocci
Encapsulated ferments maltose and...,
Insignificant capsule ferments gl...,
High carriage rate in close quarters
14  cards
Cell wall component of fungi,
Major membrane sterol in fungi,
Antifungal that inhibits ergoster...
41  cards
Naked rna viruses 3,
Naked dna viruses 4,
Composed of beta pleated sheets h...
104  cards
Virulence factor of e histolytica...,
Diagnostic stage of e histolytica...,
Most common extraintestinal e his...
64  cards
Cestodes (Flatworms)
Praziquantel is the doc for all c...,
Undercooked pork few gravid progl...,
Undercooked beef many gravid prog...
9  cards
Trematodes (Flukes)
Intermediate host of schistosoma ...,
Reside in the mesenteric and port...,
Hypersensitivity reaction to the ...
13  cards
Nematodes (Roundworms) and Arthropods
Most common and largest intestina...,
Doc for ascariasis hookworms,
Hookworms 2
39  cards

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microbiology ii

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