microbiology and immunology

This class was created by Brainscape user Miru I. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Bacterial Pathogens and Disease I
Define pathogen pathogenicity vir...,
What are the mechanisms of virulence,
What are exotoxins
31  cards
Bacterial Pathogens and Disease II- Exotoxins
What is a gram negative bacterial...,
What are the three features of th...,
What are the characteristics of e...
12  cards
Classification, Biology and Disease
What are viruses,
What are the different configurat...,
What is the central dogma of mole...
23  cards
Classification, Biology and Disease II
Describe the typical course of hi...,
Why do some viruses replicate in ...,
How could hiv promote t cell kill...
9  cards
What is a parasite,
What are protozoa,
What are the types of protozoa
21  cards
Pathogenesis of Parasite Infections
What are the three main species o...,
What is the life cycle of schisto...,
How does schistosomiasis cause ce...
19  cards
Mechanism of Viral Infection and Pathogenesis
What are the general stages of vi...,
How do herpes simplex and vzv rea...,
How is congenital rubella a persi...
9  cards
Diagnosis of Viral Infections
What are the possible test types ...,
How can you see a virus,
What is the electron microscopy p...
21  cards
Why do we need anti viral drugs,
What are the current uses of anti...,
How do we induce the selective to...
24  cards
How are antibiotics made,
What is meant by the therapeutic ...,
Why do you have to be careful abo...
15  cards
Antibiotic Resistance
What are the mechanisms by which ...,
How can we categorise paths to an...,
What are the genetic mechanisms b...
11  cards
Review of Innate Immunity
What is the specificity like for ...,
What are pamps and some examples,
What are prrs and the different c...
17  cards
Overview of the Adaptive Immune System
Why do we have an adaptive immune...,
What are the four basic approache...,
What are some examples of lymphoc...
9  cards
T Cell Development- Generation
What occurs during haematopoiesis...,
What are the two kinds of mature ...,
What are the stages of t cell mat...
21  cards
Late Stages of T cell Development in the Thymus
Where do t cells come from,
How do t cells migrate from the b...,
What zones in the thymus contribu...
15  cards
T Cell Activation
How do naive t cells circulate an...,
What 3 signals do t cells need to...,
How does antigen recognition bind...
16  cards
Humoral Immunity
Describe antibodies,
What are the two versions of anti...,
What is the molecular structure o...
26  cards
Natural Born Killers
What are the origins of nk and t ...,
What is the role of cytotoxic lym...,
Why do we need more than one type...
16  cards
Antibacterial Responses
What are the features of a bacter...,
What are the general features of ...,
What are abps
13  cards
Microbial Immune Evasion Mechanisms
How have pathogens evolved to get...,
What is the role of the complemen...,
How do intracellular pathogens ev...
9  cards
Transplantation and Immunosuppressive
What is transplantation,
What is the difference between au...,
What is the difference between al...
22  cards
What are 2 examples of organ spec...,
What are hla b27 associated spond...,
What is autoimmunity
23  cards

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microbiology and immunology

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