This class was created by Brainscape user Dom Brooke. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

1 - Intro to Bacteria and Pub Health
What is causing an increase in ba...,
What are the major bacterial caus...,
Current infectious disease issues
3  cards
2 - Plasma membrane
Cell envelope,
What colour does gram positive stain,
What colour does gram negative stain
36  cards
3 - The Cell Wall
Functions of cell wall,
Cell wall structure,
What does nag stand for
29  cards
4 - Outer Membrane
The gram negative outer membrane om,
Om is an asymmetric and chemicall...,
3 parts of a lipopolysaccharide lps
28  cards
5 - Bacterial Endospores
Which bacteria form endospores,
Genera of endospore forming bacteria
54  cards
6 - Flagella, Motility & Taxis
Types of flagellar arrangement
39  cards
7 - Bacterial secretion systems
Where is one third of bacterial p...,
Secretion in gram positive bacteria,
Secretion in gram negative bacteria
28  cards
8 - Intro to Bacterial Gene Regulation
Central dogma,
Gene naming convention,
Protein naming convention
37  cards
9 - Protein DNA interactions (Repressors, activators)
Conditions that may challenge bac...,
Alteration of gene expression to ...,
Mechanisms controlling transcription
45  cards
10 - Attenuation and sRNA
What does hairpin position in mrn...,
Model for transcription termination,
What are the two elements that te...
30  cards
11 - Transformation, plasmids and conjugation
Core genome,
Accessory genome,
Pan genome
50  cards
12 - Transduction and immunity
Types of bacteriophage,
Virulent phages,
Temperate phages
34  cards
13 - Transposons, ICEs and Pathogenicity Islands
Three types of transposable element,
Common aspects of transposable el...
30  cards
14 - Antibiotic Resistance
Three major modes of action of an...,
Development of antibiotic resistance
39  cards
15 - Molecular Cloning
Uses of dna cloning,
Process of cloning gene,
Strategy for isolating the geneof...
7  cards

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