micr331: microbial ecology

This class was created by Brainscape user Natasha Njeri Kamara. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (34)

L1: Introduction
What is the basis of microbial ec...,
What is ecology,
What are the specific interaction...
3  cards
L2: Microbial Ecology goals, components and challenges
List important environmental comp...,
What is the use of nutrients,
Name two key environmental compon...
9  cards
L3: Timeline (incomplete)
Give examples of microbes,
Go through the timeline,
Describe earth s atmosphere at fo...
8  cards
L4: Microbial Cell Walls/Technique (incomplete)
Describe the gram stain on microb...,
Name key g features key examples,
How did woese think of gram
14  cards
L5: Independant Methods and Important People
List 5 methods of conducting cult...,
A key aspect in genomics,
Key genomic methods
7  cards
Lecture 6: Important People Cont.
Microbiology 50s 70s 4
10  cards
L7: Breaking down Taxonomy
Breaking down the old way of taxo...,
What is monera basis,
What is the relationship between ...
13  cards
L8: Phylogenetics and Ribosomes
What do ribosomes do function of ...,
What are ribosomes made of,
What are the sizes of ribosomes
12  cards
L9: Microbial Diversity
Translate the central dogma into ...,
What is an ecological niche what ...,
What is a species describe their ...
15  cards
L10: Species
How many bacteria exist,
What is the relationship between ...,
What about habitat influences cul...
14  cards
L11: Thiomargarita namibiensis
Thiomargarita namibiensis what nu...,
Thiomargarite ecophysiology where...,
What is upwelling
14  cards
L12: Other large Nitrating Storing SOBs
What is the difference between ni...
9  cards
L13: More bacs IG
Discuss tm7,
What did tm7 microscopy reveal,
Discuss op11
11  cards
L14: Chemiosmotic Theory
Who tf is mitchel,
Explore tea vs depth,
What do chemotrophs do
17  cards
L15: Nutritional Categories
How are nutrional categoeis defines,
22  cards
L16: Carbon Cycle Pathways
Draw the global c cycle,
List key carbon cycle pathways,
What is carbon fixation
15  cards
L19: Stratification
Where did o2 come from if world w...,
Draw nitrate chloroa light nitrat...,
What is prochlorooccus marinus
13  cards
L20: Phototrophy and Sulfur
What do photosystems do,
Describe energy levels for ps2 1,
Distinguish between short vs long...
27  cards
21: Bacterial Phototrophy
Name characteristcs of bacterial ...,
List phenotypic characteristics o...,
What 5 criteria can you use to di...
20  cards
L22: Pigments
Discuss light penetration vs depth,
What are photosynthetic pigements,
What is the black thing in soil c...
19  cards
L19 Review
Mechanical vs biologoical vectors,
List morphological features that ...,
Athropods general morphology
24  cards
L23: More Acidophiles
Acidthiobaccilus history and main...,
What are the reactions of acidoph...,
How do you prevent amd
18  cards
List all the unique co enzymes fo...,
Methanogenesis equation
15  cards
L25: something
What is an overview of the steps ...,
What is an overview of the steps ...,
Illustrate nucleic acid hybridais...
4  cards
What was the point of molecular p...,
What was the experimental approach,
What were the results of the bintrim
4  cards
What is bdellevibrio break up the...,
Where does bdellvibrio live,
What is the life cycle of bdellov...
17  cards
L31: Tactic Behaviour
How does chemotaxis happen and wh...,
What is predataxix,
Explain flagellar motion in chemo...
13  cards
L32: Microbe Animal Interactions
Name examples of bioluminescent t...,
Describe general characteristics ...,
How does light benefit the host i...
13  cards
L33: V fischeri gene expression
What are the two ways v fischeri ...,
Describe the v fischeri gene operon,
Explain the v fischeri base line ...
12  cards
L34 nitrogen fixation
0  cards
L35 + 36: N fixation applications
Where does abiotic nitrogen fixat...,
What is the haber bosch process,
Explain properties of nirogenase
20  cards
L37: Legumes
What are legumes and examples,
Relationship between legumes and n,
Explain what rhizobia is
26  cards
L38: Suflur Cycle
Three ways to produce h2s,
Explain aerobic oxidation of sulf...,
Explain the two ways of anaerobic...
16  cards
L39: Animal Microbe Interactions
Explain the role of chemolithoaut...,
Explain tube worms and symbionts,
Tube worms and symbionts and the ...
16  cards

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micr331: microbial ecology

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