micky wset sake lv3

This class was created by Brainscape user Micky Lo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

C1 - What is Sake - completed
Any other raw material s are adde...,
What are the raw material s used ...,
How beer and sake break down the ...
26  cards
C2 - An Overview of Sake Production - completed
What is the main raw material for...,
What is the function of water and...,
What else is need to convert the ...
125  cards
C3 - Sake Labelling Terms - completed
How much of japanese sake product...,
Premium sake can only be made of ...,
What is the japanese term for pre...
84  cards
C4 - Systematic approach to tasting sake
What does mature or out of condit...,
What does light damage smell like,
What does microbial spoilage smel...
21  cards
C5 - Storage and Service of Sake - completed
Which four points should be consi...,
At what temperature should sake b...,
At what temperature should nama z...
75  cards
C6 - Sake and Food - completed
What is the purpose of food and s...,
What need to avoid when pairing f...,
What is the difference between sa...
32  cards
C7 - Rice Cultivation - completed
What is rice,
How rice is propagated,
Whats the difference between rice...
121  cards
C8 - Rice Preparation - completed
How many steps in preparing rice ...,
What are the four stages in prepa...,
Rices moisture level below can be...
62  cards
C9 - Preparing Koji - working
What happen to the koji mould if ...,
How tsuki haze influence the styl...,
Why barley can breakdown the star...
84  cards
C10 - Water and yeast - completed
Which two ingredients of sake are...,
Over 80 of the sake is made up of...,
Besides alcohol what else does ye...
91  cards
C11 - The Fermentation Starter (Shubo/Moto) - completed
What is the common aim of the pro...,
What is the function of the shubo...,
Percentage of the small shubo tan...
44  cards
C12 - The Main Fermentation (Moromi) - completed
Which stage in sake production de...,
What are the aims of the brewer i...,
What are the objectives in the 3 ...
61  cards
C13 - Jozo Alcohol and Filtration - completed
What is the legal requirement of ...,
What are the aims of the brewer i...,
Which techniques the brewer use i...
65  cards
C14 - Finishing - completed
Can sake be packed and sell immed...,
Why most of the sake needs to go ...,
What are the processes in finishing
61  cards
C15 - Speciality Styles of Sake - completed
What is the colour of nigori zake,
By law does nigori zake need to b...,
Why nigori zake can keep the lees...
55  cards
Futsu shu,
Nihonshu do,
165  cards
Water made up over of the sake,
At what temperature range yeast b...,
What is the maximum alcohol level...
80  cards
C17 - The Global Sake Industry - working
What are the reasons behind the e...,
How many sake breweries in japan ...,
Hows the production volume of sak...
65  cards

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micky wset sake lv3

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