This class was created by Brainscape user Juliette Repole. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Lab 1
What is the streak plate technique,
When is liquid broth used,
Describe solid media
33  cards
Lab 2
What are biochemical profiles cal...,
What general observations of medi...,
Describe various contamination ty...
43  cards
Lab 3
What is the standard plate count ...,
What are two required properties ...,
What are the two important potent...
42  cards
Lab 4
Describe plasmids,
What needs to happen to isolate a...,
How is dna released from bacteria...
9  cards
What are the 7 characteristics us...,
How is size recorded in macroscop...,
How is a shape of a bacterial col...
59  cards
Lab 5 + 6
Discuss the efficiency of recombi...,
How is agarose gel electrophoresi...,
How are dna fragments visualized ...
43  cards
Lab 7
Normally food products contain me...,
Normally food products do not con...,
Not all salmonella strains are po...
23  cards
Lab 8
Why has lettuce become important ...,
What are sources of potentially p...,
What is the classic method for id...
44  cards
Lab 9
What can enzyme linked immunosorb...,
How is the sample prepared for an...,
What does elisa require
29  cards
Lab 10
Describe food borne illness in ca...,
Why are big outbreaks affecting h...,
Describe how the nature of food b...
38  cards
Study Guide Questions
What were some of the features of...,
You have been asked to make some ...,
Describe the structure of a gram ...
37  cards
Quiz Questions
If 4ml of a bacterial sample is a...,
Starting from an unknown sample i...,
A 10 7 dilution was prepared from...
28  cards
Theory Exam 2
You have a tube that contains a b...,
You have a tube that contains a b...,
You have a tube that contains a b...
10  cards

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micb 353

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