This class was created by Brainscape user Janice Mok. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Clinical virology
Types of infection,
Where is the next emerging virus ...,
What is the one health concept
86  cards
antiviral (Dr. Cochrane)
What is cc50,
How to find selectivity si or the...,
What does a high ti si indicate
105  cards
Viral vectors (Dr. Kozak)
Why do we use virus as vectors,
What needs to be balanced when ma...,
What happened in 1950s in viral v...
110  cards
Polyomavirus (Dr. Frappier)
Features of capsid of polyomaviruses,
Features of genome for genome,
How is genome organized
45  cards
Phases in clinical testing of vac...,
What are the steps after clinical...,
Examples of non live vaccines
64  cards
HIV (Dr. Cochrane)
Origin of hiv,
What happens when old world monke...,
Differences between siv infection...
56  cards
Comparison between viruses
Which virus has rna pol in virion...,
Order viruses in diameter short t...,
Order of genome size from small t...
12  cards
Parvovirus (Dr. Frappier)
Types of parvovirus,
How does b19 affect our body,
How does fifth disease manifest i...
24  cards
Adenovirus (Dr. Frappier)
Discoveries from adenovirus,
Types of adenovirus,
Components of capsid
63  cards
Herpes simplex viruses
Feature of genome in herpes virus,
Three layers in herpes virion fro...,
What is found in tegument of herp...
71  cards
EBV (Gamma herpesvirus)
What cells do ebv infect,
What does ebv bind to enter b cells,
Difference between virions formed...
20  cards
Dr. Mubareka's session
What does ires stands for,
Function of ires,
Where is ires found
61  cards
Types of infectious virion present,
Difference between each infection...,
Function for intracellular mature...
19  cards

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