This class was created by Brainscape user Lucy Austin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Bipolar Affective Disorder
What is the definition of bipolar...,
What is the typical onset for bip...,
What does a family history of bip...
16  cards
Eating Disorders
What is the definition of anorexi...,
What age range and gender has the...,
What kind of personality traits d...
29  cards
Acute Stress Reaction
What is the definition of acute s...,
What are some risk factors for ac...,
What are some clinical features o...
4  cards
Anxiety Disorder: Generalised
What is the definition of general...,
What is the typical age of onset ...,
What are the clinical features of...
6  cards
Anxiety Disorder: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
What is the definition of ptsd,
What are some trauma related risk...,
What are some patient related ris...
16  cards
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
What is the definition of adhd,
What is the prevalence of adhd,
What are some factors contributin...
13  cards
What is the most common mental he...,
What is the definition of delirium,
What are some causes of delirium
9  cards
Wernicke's Encephalopathy
What is the definition of wernick...,
What are the causes of wernicke s...,
What are the clinical features of...
7  cards
Personality Disorder
What is the definition of persona...,
What is the aetiology behind pers...,
What are the cluster a personalit...
21  cards
What are some risk factors for de...,
What is the definition of depression,
What are some subtypes of depression
26  cards
Autism Spectrum Disorder
What is the definition of autism ...,
What are some risk factors for au...,
What is the pathophysiology of au...
10  cards
Drug Overdose
What are some signs of opiate ove...,
What are some signs of anticholin...,
What are some signs of cholinergi...
23  cards
Lithium Toxicity
What are some clinical features o...,
What are some side effects of lit...,
What are some investigations for ...
4  cards
What is the definition of self harm,
What are some risk factors for se...,
What is the pathophysiology of se...
5  cards
Substance Use Disorder
What is the definition of alcohol...,
What are some clinical features o...,
What are some clinical features o...
16  cards
Anxiety, Phobias, OCD
What is the definition of panic d...,
What is the typical onset of pani...,
What are some clinical features o...
16  cards

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mental health mla disease profiles

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