This class was created by Brainscape user Elaine Brazier. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

What is the icd10,
Which chapter of icd 10 is releva...,
What are the mh chapters within t...
20  cards
The Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act
What can the mental health act be...,
What must be the case in order to...,
What is section 2 for
55  cards
Psychiatric Drugs
What side effects can adrenergic ...,
What side effect can muscarinic d...,
What side effect can drugs acting...
91  cards
Mood Disorders
What are the mood disorders,
What patterns can depression come in,
What 3 types of symptoms can pts ...
52  cards
Personality Disorders
What is a personality disorder,
When do personality disorders usu...,
Name some of the specific persona...
32  cards
Anxiety Disorders
How common are anxiety disorders,
What is the m f for anxiety disor...,
Describe the mechanism for anxiet...
49  cards
Psychosis and Schizophrenia
What is a psychotic episode,
How long can a psychotic episode ...,
How do psychotic episodes begin
37  cards
Risk Assessment
How can patients pose a risk to t...,
Who else do patients pose a risk to,
What is the problem with risk
29  cards
Psychiatric Hx and MSE
What is the ultimate aim of the p...,
What attitude should you have whe...,
How should we ask questions
53  cards
What is the basic principle of ps...,
What are the three types of psych...,
What are type a therapies and how...
48  cards
Learning Disabilities, Down's Syndrome, and Autism
Define learning disability,
What iq range do lds tend to lie in,
What are the adaptive skills
29  cards
Eating Disorders
Which eating disorders are there ...,
Define anorexia nervosa,
Who does anorexia nervosa affect
23  cards
Addictions Psychiatry
What is reinforcement in addictions,
What is tolerance,
What are the 2 main mechanisms of...
34  cards
Elderly Psychiatry, Dementia, and Delerium
Define dementia,
What are some of the cognitive fu...,
Define delirium
20  cards
Liason Psychiatry
0  cards
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
What is tourettes syndrome,
What is the typical age of onset ...,
Are men or women more likely to h...
38  cards
Self Harm
0  cards

More about
mental health

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