This class was created by Brainscape user Rosie Mitchell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

The multi-store model of memory
What is the multi store model of ...,
What is the encoding of the senso...,
What is the duration of short ter...
34  cards
The working memory model
What is the concept of the workin...,
What is the encoding of the centr...,
What is the capacity of the centr...
40  cards
Comparing MSM and WMM
The focus of the models,
The capacity of the models,
The stores within the models
5  cards
Types of long term memory
What is implicit ltm,
What is explicit ltm,
What is declarative ltm
12  cards
Explanations of forgetting - Retroactive and proactive interference
What are the two types of interfe...,
What is proactive interference,
What is retroactive interference
8  cards
Explanations of forgetting - Retrieval failure due to absence of cues
What is the forgetting due to abs...,
What are the main assumptions of ...,
What is a retrieval cue
12  cards
Factors affecting the accuracy of eyewitness testimony - Leading questions
What is misleading information,
Why does misleading information i...,
What is a leading question
9  cards
Factors affecting the accuracy of eyewitness testimony - Post event discussion
What is post event discussion,
Had could retroactive interferenc...,
How could conformity influence po...
8  cards
Factors affecting the accuracy of eyewitness testimony - Anxiety
What is anxiety,
What is the yerkes dodson law,
What is the weapon focus effect
10  cards
Improving the accuracy of EWT - The cognitive interview
What is the cognitive interview t...,
What are the four techniques used...,
What is the report everything tec...
11  cards

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