medicine gep year 1 (bcs paper 2)

This class was created by Brainscape user Rowan Rai. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

GEP (Life Cycle) Week 1
Identidy the anatomy of the vulva,
Identify the anatomy of the male ...,
Identify the anatomy of the male ...
50  cards
GEP (Life Cycle Week 2)
What is the pelvic girdle bony pe...,
What is the function of the pelvi...,
What are the 4 articulations with...
35  cards
GEP (Life Cycle week 3)
What is the blood supply lymphati...,
Identify these anatomical marks,
Desribe the venous drainage syste...
35  cards
GEP (Life Cycle) Week 4
Define these basic genetic termin...,
How many pair of chromosomes do w...,
Give a brief overview on dna and ...
35  cards
GEP (Life Cycle) Week 5
What is the theories of ageing ke...,
What is the theories of ageing th...,
What is malnutrition and how can ...
22  cards
GEP (Life Control) Week 1
What are the devision of the brain,
What is the cerebrum what does it...,
What are the motor and sensory re...
44  cards
GEP (Life Control) Week 2
What are the 3 main structures of...,
Explain further what the cerebrum...,
What are the main sulci and gyri ...
61  cards
GEP (Life control) Week 3
What are the 3 main movement path...,
What is the 3 main components of ...,
Identify the cranial fossass
46  cards
GEP (Life Control) Week 4
What are the layers of the mininges,
What are spinal nerves overview,
What are the functions of the spi...
31  cards
GEP (Life control) Week 5
What is the lympic system,
What is the role of the amygdala ...,
The anatomy of the lymbic system
27  cards
GEP (Life control) Week 6
What is the cerebral cortex expla...,
What are the roles of the brain r...,
What are wernickes broca and arcu...
24  cards
GEP (Life Structure) Week 1
What are the different types of b...,
What is the structure of the long...,
What are the 3 types of joints
63  cards
GEP (Life Structure) Week 2
Identify the anatomical areas of ...,
Identify the anatomical locations,
What are the ligaments of the ankle
5  cards

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medicine gep year 1 (bcs paper 2)

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