This class was created by Brainscape user Jishoden Padiachy. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

How may renal disease present,
A 57 y o f patient presenting wit...,
If a renal stone was taken for bi...
178  cards
Respiratory Medicine
Calculate the atmospheric pressur...,
State the relationship between ba...,
Calculate the po2 of alveolar gas...
156  cards
Describe the term seropositive in...,
Positive anti ccp is seen in what...,
Positive dsdna is seen in what co...
254  cards
What are the vertebral levels of ...,
What are the layers of the oesoph...,
What are the two oesophageal sphi...
314  cards
What is the dose of lithium usedwhat,
What are the contraindications to...,
Which groups of people should lit...
230  cards
What is a hormone,
What is the other term for the ne...,
What is the other term for the ad...
241  cards
Describe the process of immunisation,
What types of vaccines are there,
Compare and contrast the benefits...
512  cards
What are the three layers of the ...,
What are the two components of th...,
What fibrous layer of the eyeball...
691  cards
What is the site of haematopoeisis,
Stat eat cells of lymphoid lineage,
Which cells are derived from the ...
192  cards
Genitourinary Medicine
Which bacteria are essential to c...,
What is the pathophysiology of ba...,
Give the risk factors for bacteri...
149  cards
Obs and Gynae
Outline the hypothalamic pituitar...,
At what level does inhibin inhibi...,
At what level does oestrogen inhi...
700  cards
How may risk factors be categoris...,
What decision making tool may be ...,
What is the qrisk threshold to pr...
294  cards
Acute Medicine
What is triage,
Using the adult triage sieve a pa...,
Using the adult triage sieve a pa...
134  cards
Medicine for the Elderly
What tests form the confusion screen,
What is the management of the acu...,
What are the clinical features of...
13  cards
What are the two main types of st...,
What are the types of ischaemic s...,
What are the types of haemorrhagi...
205  cards
What is the pathophysiology of ac...,
Outline the difference between a ...,
What is the management for acne f...
241  cards
What are the biochemical features...,
What is the moa of rasbirucase,
What is the most common form of m...
317  cards
Outline how you would interpret a...,
What is the width of the carina s...,
How many ribs should be able to b...
303  cards

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