medical microbiology

This class was created by Brainscape user dor rawr. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Introduction to Medical Microbiology and Microbial Classification
What are the aims of sampling,
What is the basic techniques of s...,
What is required for non sterile ...
8  cards
Diagnostics and the Modern Laboratory in Practice
How is bacteriology done,
What are the types of resistance ...,
What are examples of phenotypic t...
6  cards
Gastroenteritis and Waterborne Diseases
Define gastroenteritis,
What are characteristics of gastr...,
Define acute diarrhoea
85  cards
Fungal infection & anti-fungal resistance
Describe fungi,
How are fungi classified,
Describe yeasts
52  cards
Investigation of infections in general practice
What test is done for possible ur...,
What is a sign of urinary infection,
What do vaginal swabs test for
48  cards
Gut flora and the Microbiome
What is genomics,
What is transcriptomics,
What is proteomics
55  cards
Bacterial sexually transmitted & urinary tract infections
What are the 2 types of utis,
Describe uncomplicated uti,
Describe complicated uti
78  cards
Pneumonia & other lower respiratory tract infections
What scoring system is used for p...,
What are general tests to order f...,
What is consolidation in an xray
38  cards
Infections of the CNS
What are some causes of bacterial...,
What investigations can be done f...,
What is used as treatment
5  cards
What are saureus,
Describe saureus,
What do saureus colonies look like
37  cards
Bacterial respiratory diseases in children
0  cards
Surveillance and outbreaks
What is the public health definit...,
What are the goals of public heat...,
What is the overall process from ...
15  cards
Paediatric Viral Diseases
Why are different strains of viru...,
How is measles transmitted,
How is diphtheria transmitted
97  cards
Nosocomial Infections
What are nosocomial infections,
Why do patients get hcais,
Describe the costs of hcais
38  cards
Pyrexia of Unknown Origin & Bloodborne Infections
What is pyrexia,
How is someone diagnosed with pyr...,
How are most sick patients with f...
32  cards
Describe influenza,
What are typical symptoms of infl...,
What is excess mortality
13  cards
What is hepatitis b,
What can hepatitis b cause,
Describe hepatitis b in the uk
66  cards
Vaccination against Disease
What causes smallpox,
What is variolation,
What happens after variolation
52  cards
Determination of Antibiotic Resistance
What is antimicrobial resistance,
How does amr develop,
What are the types of amr
45  cards
0  cards
Genomic Approaches to Diagnostics
0  cards
What is the malaria parasite
1  cards
Coronaviruses, Rhinoviruses, Herpesviruses
Describe coronaviruses
1  cards

More about
medical microbiology

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