medical diagnosis

This class was created by Brainscape user Ashley Ruehle. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Lecture 13 (EKG) -Exam 7
What are you looking at with 12 lead,
Why do a 12 lead,
What are the precoridal lead plac...
69  cards
Lecture 12 (EKG)-Exam 6
What are the different wall layer...,
I think this is low yield but it ...,
Low yield but under slideatrioven...
155  cards
Lecture 11 (labs)-Exam 5
What does pleural fluid serve as,
Pleural fluid is produced by what...,
Pleural effusion what is the ligh...
76  cards
Lecture 10 (labs) -Exam 5
Dysfunction of the immune system ...,
Autoimmune conditions when a pers...,
Examples of autoimmune conditions...
106  cards
Lecture 10 (labs)-Exam 5
Human abo blood group who has bee...,
Human abo blood group the system ...,
98  cards
Lecture 9 (Lab)-Exam 4
Coagulation cascade what is it wh...,
Extrinsic pathway when is it acti...,
Intrinsic pathway responds to wha...
55  cards
Lecture 8 (labs)-Exam 4
What is a bmp what does it provid...,
What does a bmp include,
What does cmp include
115  cards
Lecture 7 (Labs)-Exam 4
Reference range established by wh...,
Therapeutic range a target range ...,
Coumadin is what what is it used ...
91  cards
Lecture 6- (xray-head/peds), exam3
What are the standard skill radio...,
Trauma views of skull must includ...,
What are these skull views
166  cards
Lecture 6- Book material (exam 3)
Seldinger technique what is it us...,
What are the steps of seldinger t...,
What type of needle is used for v...
35  cards
Lecture 5 (x-ray-Pelvic)- exam 3
Kidneys what type of organ what d...,
Explain this,
What are the different renal dise...
86  cards
Lecture 4 (x-ray-abdominal) -Exam 2
What are the different contrast a...,
Contrast studies of the gi tract ...,
What are these
180  cards
Lecture 3 (x-ray-chest), Exam 2
Chest plain flim diagnosis of hea...,
Chest pa vs ap how is pa chest ra...,
Which one is ap and pa
162  cards
Lecture two (x-ray-bones)-Exam 1
Fill in the spaces is this patien...,
What x ray is this fill in spaces...,
What x ray is this what do you ne...
219  cards
Lecture one (Radiology Principles), Exam 1
Who is on the radiology team,
What are the ethical principles o...,
What si the most important factor...
128  cards
Exam 3 Questions
What are some differences between...,
A 25 year old woman presents for ...,
What test would you order with an...
14  cards

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medical diagnosis

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