medical detectives: obstetrics and gynaecology

This class was created by Brainscape user Karabelo Pettunia. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (8)

6.1 Introduction to gynaecology
Explain the importance of consent, privacy and the setting where a woman with a gynaecological complaint is consulted. Describe how you would take a menstrual history and the relevance of each aspect. List the commonly used special investigations to assess the female genital tract.
8  cards
6.3 Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
1  cards
6.9 Sexual Assault Group Discussion
Rape vs sexual assault,
Physiology sexual response no com...,
Cases where the health practition...
21  cards
6.5 Neoplasms of the uterus and endometrium
Post menopausal slide needs to be...,
General causes
8  cards
6.6 Pelvic and Adnexal masses and neoplasms
Pelvic mass presentation is subje...,
The ovaries classification of mas...,
Classification of ovarian tumors ...
10  cards
6.7 Urogynaecological conditions, Incontinence and Pelvic Organ prolapse
Review the classifications and definitions of genital prolapse and urinary incontinence. Describe how to take a history of women with possible genital prolapse or urinary incontinence, alluding to the predisposing risk factors. Explain how to perform a clinical examination to diagnose genital prolapse or urinary incontinence. List the special and side room investigations used to diagnose genital prolapse and urinary incontinence.
2  cards
7.1 South African perinatal statistics
Describe the background of maternity care in South Africa List the leading causes of maternal and perinatal mortality in South Africa
1  cards
6.11 Approach to vaginal discharge
List the most common causes for vaginal discharge in the female life course, reproductive and pre-menarche and postmenopausal age groups. Describe how to take a history and do a clinical examination on women with symptomatic vaginal discharge. List and explaining the special and side room investigations used to diagnose and differentiate vaginal discharge.
1  cards

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medical detectives: obstetrics and gynaecology

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