medial assistant lesson 33

This class was created by Brainscape user Felipe Garcia. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Chapter 1: Types of Emergencies
What are the first 4 medical emer...,
What are the second 4 medical eme...
2  cards
Chapter 1: Emergency Protocol
What is the goal of treating offi...,
What does a written emergency pro...,
What does the protocol should con...
3  cards
Chapter 1: Role of the Medical Assistant in Office Emergencies
What is the first role of the ma ...,
What is the second role of the ma...,
What is the third role of the ma ...
7  cards
Chapter 1: Emergency Supplies and Equipment
Emergency medical supplies should...,
What should be consider when stoc...,
What medical supplies a crash car...
10  cards
Chapter 1: Emergency Medications
Another step in preparing for med...,
When is activated charcoal used,
Albuterol is a bronchodilator used
16  cards
Chapter 1: Telephone Screening of Emergencies
Screening call involves,
What is the first question for te...,
What is the second question for t...
9  cards
Chapter 2: Hypoglycemia
Diabetics may experience life thr...,
What does too much insulin can cause,
What happens if the blood sugar f...
10  cards
Chapter 2: Hyperglycemia
What does not enough insulin can ...,
What is ketoacidosis,
Diabetic ketoacidosis is most com...
7  cards
Chapter 2: Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
When does a cerebrovascular accid...,
The response to a cerebrovascular...,
Recognizing the signs and symptom...
9  cards
Chapter 2: Myocardial Infarction (MI)
What is a common cause of myocard...,
What does atherosclerosis causes,
What does the plaque caused from ...
9  cards
Chapter 2: Anaphylaxis
The body s immune system overacts to,
Where does symptoms occur,
When does anaphylaxis can occur
8  cards
Chapter 2: Shock
What is shock,
Is shock reversible,
When does shocking occurs
19  cards
Chapter 2: Hemorrhage
What does the term hemorrhage means,
What are the 3 types of bleeding,
When does arterial bleeding occur
12  cards
Chapter 2: Epistaxis
What is epistaxis or nosebleed,
Less common causes of epistaxis o...,
What does the initial treatment c...
4  cards
Chapter 2: Syncope
What is syncope or fainting,
What happens when a patient remai...,
A syncopal episode can be caused by
6  cards

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medial assistant lesson 33

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