med yr1 fundamentals of clinical science

This class was created by Brainscape user Mehar Magon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Anatomy basics
What is the sagitall plane think ...,
What s the transverse plane,
What s the coronal plane think ab...
30  cards
Pharmacology - Targets For Drug Action
What s pharmacology toxicology th...,
Where do drugs come from,
What are the molecular targets fo...
41  cards
Pathology -Inflammation
What is acute inflammation,
What is chronic inflammation,
What is a granulomatous chronic i...
13  cards
Amino Acids
What are amino acids used for,
The carbon group in the amino aci...,
What happens in amino acid metabo...
7  cards
Anatomy-The Epithelium
What is the epithelium,
Name some characteristics of cove...,
What are the types of lining epit...
10  cards
What is absorption of a drug,
What s distribution,
What is metabolism 2
22  cards
What s hypertrophy,
What s hyperplasia examples 3,
What s metaplasia
11  cards
Physiology: Cell
What are the factors effecting so...,
What conditions are necessary for...,
What s osmolarity
25  cards
Anatomy : Skin
What is skin know as epithelium a...,
What is the structure of the stra...,
What s the structure of skin
13  cards
Lipid Formation and metabolism
Describe the structure of lipids 2,
What is fatty acid oxidation outl...,
Whats fatty acid synthesis 6 outl...
12  cards
Anatomy - Connective tissue and BONES
What are connective tissues made ...,
Explain the key function of conne...,
What are the types of ordinary ti...
16  cards
Anatomy/Physiology: Muscle contraction
Explain the sliding filament theory,
Outline the main events of the cr...,
Relate the siding filament theory...
14  cards
Inflammation and immunology
Whats the non specific response 2...,
Whats the specific immune response 2,
Explain the inflammatory response 4
19  cards
Cell communication and cell signalling
List different forms of cell comm...,
Describe the mechanism of g prote...,
Whats a secondary messenger 2
6  cards
Anatomy : Bone and Joints
Describe the axial divisions of t...,
What are the 6 types of bone 6 gi...,
What are the 5 regions of the ver...
11  cards
What is the teleological argument 1,
What is the deontology 1,
What is ontological argument 1
15  cards
Anatomy : nerves / Neuronal controll
How does neuronal control occur 3,
Compare and contract the neuronal...,
What is the basic function of the...
17  cards
Physiology - HOMEOSTASIS
What is homeostasis 2,
What are the main concepts requir...,
Describe thermoregulatory homeost...
6  cards

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med yr1 fundamentals of clinical science

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