This class was created by Brainscape user Eilidh Miles. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

What is the cause of depression,
Describe the mode of action of mo...,
Name some maois and the side effects
25  cards
Define opium,
Define opioid,
What are opioids
21  cards
Anxiolytics and Sedatives
What are barbituates used for,
What are the classes of drugs use...,
In what condition are beta blocke...
27  cards
CNS Stimulants
What are the three main categorie...,
What are the categories of cns st...,
Describe features of doxapram
27  cards
Describe the clinical uses of ant...,
What are the clinical features of...,
Explain the dopamine theory for s...
17  cards
General Anaesthesia
What is general anaesthetics,
What are some of the common iv in...,
Name some of the inhalation anaes...
16  cards
Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
Name some rapid acting soluble in...,
Name an intermediate acting insuline,
Name some of the long acting insu...
19  cards
Fluid and Electrolyte Prescribing
What are the major fluid compartm...,
Explain the exchange of fluids ac...,
What are the major cation
27  cards
Treatment of Thyroid Disorders
Name the three hormones secreted ...,
What are the main steps involved ...,
Describe some features of hypothy...
23  cards
Action of Adrenal Steroids and Treatment of Adrenal Disorders
Describe the anatomy of the adren...,
What is the function of glucocort...,
Describe the regulation of cortic...
19  cards
Complementary Alternative Medicine 1
Define complementary alternative ...,
Define complementary medicine,
Define alternative medicine
14  cards
Complementary Alternative Medicine 2
What are the issues with assessin...,
Why is it difficult to assess chi...,
Why do people use complementary a...
6  cards

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md4001 pharmacology

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