This class was created by Brainscape user sami sh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (75)

CV: History Taking + Exam
According to nobel peace prize la...,
Describe the different parts of t...,
What are some conditions to consi...
58  cards
Respiratory and Drug History
What is the importance of a medic...,
Identify the structure of history...,
Define presenting complaint
71  cards
Circulation of Blood
Identify the main functions of th...,
Identify the main ways to regulat...,
What other systems is the cvs int...
29  cards
Physiological Properties of Heart
Describe the path of electrical a...,
What does ecg measure,
Describe the action potential of ...
41  cards
Normal Chest X Ray (Use Lecture CXR Images Alongside this to Identify Structures, Abnormalities etc.)
Why might it be important to know...,
Why must the last menstrual perio...,
What are the main indications of ...
63  cards
Cardiac contractility and the events of the cardiac cycle
Describe the molecular level of a...,
Describe the molecular level of a...,
What is the difference in the dia...
39  cards
Control of Cardiac Output
What is cardiac output give a for...,
What is the average stroke volume...,
If the demands of tissues increas...
30  cards
Describe the main features of lam...,
Describe the main consequences of...,
Is turbulence pathological or phy...
30  cards
Microcirculation, Venous Blood Flow and Venous Return
Is arterial pressure generally fl...,
Does arterial p depend on local b...,
What are the main components of i...
28  cards
Intro to Echocardiography
What is an echocardiography,
Which specialties make most use o...,
What is the first exam of choice ...
40  cards
Control of BP
Why do we aim to maintain a const...,
To what extent is 5l min enough b...,
How quick of nervous control of a...
36  cards
Control of BV
How does long term regulation of ...,
What are the main determinants of...,
What is the effect of increase in...
32  cards
Intro to Practice of Medicine + Making Mistakes
Define the basis of deontology,
Define the basis of consequentialism,
Define the basis of virtue ethics
22  cards
Vascular Disease
How may we classify vascular dise...,
Describe age related vascular cha...,
Which kinds of vessels does ather...
55  cards
Exercice and Blood Flow through Special Regions
Define the fick principle,
Describe the effect of decreased ...,
Identify the areas supplied by th...
19  cards
Valvular Heart Disease, Endocarditis
Is valvular heart disease primary...,
What proportion of heart failure ...,
Which valves of the heart are aff...
53  cards
Epidemiology of Coronary Heart Disease
Define epidemiology,
Identify the main stages of an ep...,
Identify the broader determinants...
28  cards
Treatment of Angina
Define angina pectoris,
Identify classes of drugs drugs u...,
Identify classes of drugs drugs u...
37  cards
ECG Interpretation
What are the steps in looking at ...,
Explain what you look for when lo...,
Explain what you look for when lo...
36  cards
IV Drug Administration
Identify the five rights of medic...,
What are possible reasons for iv ...,
What are some disadvantages of iv...
32  cards
Drug Distribution
What are the factors which affect...,
Which factors affecting drug dist...,
What is the cardiac output to the...
36  cards
Pathophysiology of Hypertension
Distinguish between systemic and ...,
What are the main causes of pulmo...,
Define hypertension
27  cards
Congenital CV Disease
Define congenital heart defects,
What structures of the heart can ...,
How severe are congenital heart d...
89  cards
Treatment of Hypertension
What are some factors which make ...,
What are the factors which influe...,
What is a problem if hypertension...
28  cards
Pathophysiology of Cardiac Failure
Define inotropy,
What factors influence inotropy,
What is the relation between cont...
20  cards
Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise
Define cardiac rehabilitation,
Describe any evidence about the b...,
What patient groups are included ...
17  cards
Pathophysiology and Treatment of Sepsis
Define sepsis,
Define septic shock,
Describe the incidence of sepsis
40  cards
Patients- Values and Narratives (Ethics)
How are values and narratives rel...,
Explain the value of a patients n...,
Describe the gmc position on pers...
13  cards
Pharmacological Treatment of Dysrhythmias
Describe the vaughan williams cla...,
Explain the mechanism of action o...,
What is the difference between cl...
34  cards
Health Promotion, Behaviour, and Improving the CVS
Define health promotion and its role,
Summarise the common sense model ...,
Identify the main methods of heal...
21  cards
Effects of Systemic Disease on CVS
Identify some systemic diseases w...,
Explain how diabetes mellitus aff...,
What are type i and ii diabetes h...
24  cards
Pharmacological Treatment of Heart Failure
What is the prevalence of heart f...,
What are the aims of treatment of...,
Identify strategies for treatment...
56  cards
Systemic Effects of CVS Disease
Define cardiac failure,
Who is more likely to show sympto...,
Distinguish between acute chronic...
40  cards
Ischaemic Heart Disease
True or false cardiovascular dise...,
Why are rates of cv disease in di...,
Are women and men equal when it c...
56  cards
Pathophysiology of Arrhythmias
What are the main types of arrhyt...,
How are disturbances of the cardi...,
Define decremental conduction whe...
77  cards
Impact of Heart Disease on Quality of Life
What are some ways in which healt...,
Why is quality of life a good mea...,
Define qol
32  cards
Modernising Cardiac Rehab
Define cardiac rehab and identify...,
Identify the stages of cardiac re...,
Identify the stages of cardiac re...
28  cards
Genetics in the CVS
What are common cardiac defects i...,
What are the defective genes for ...,
Describe 22q112 deletion syndrome
29  cards
End of Life Care
Define palliative care,
Distinguish between the old and n...,
Define end of life
43  cards
Research Ethics
What factors are used to decide w...,
Identify the main arguments in fa...,
Identify the main arguments again...
28  cards
Describe the structure of viruses,
What does it mean when we say tha...,
Where do some viruses derive thei...
59  cards
Exam of the Respiratory System
What are the symptoms to look out...,
What are the main steps to respir...,
What position should the patient ...
43  cards
Healthcare Associated Infections
How do we stop hcais,
Distinguish between hais and hcai...,
How much do hais cost to the nhs ...
33  cards
Development of the Respiratory System
Describe some of the embryologica...,
The development of which structur...,
Describe the embryological format...
16  cards
Ventilation: Physics of Breathing
Define pulmonary ventilation,
Briefly explain the role of volum...,
Identify and describe the pressur...
47  cards
Ventilation and Diffusion
State dalton s law of partial pre...,
How does daltons law of partial p...,
What happens to partial pressures...
27  cards
Neural Control of Respiration
What are the main muscles involve...,
Explain the process of expiration...,
Draw a graph demonstrating a chan...
39  cards
Abnormal CXR
Identify the main things to look ...,
What are possible abnormalities i...,
What are possible pathologies whi...
33  cards
Gas Transport
What are the main ways to transpo...,
Which of the two ways to transpor...,
Describe the basic structure of h...
21  cards
Ventilation and Perfusion Matching
Explain why ventilation and perfu...,
Define ventilation,
Identify the main pattern of vari...
19  cards
Acid Base Homeostasis in Respiration
Identify a formula to calculate p...,
Define pka,
Write the equation corresponding ...
25  cards
Cancer Chemotherapy
Is the immune response good or ba...,
Is the body response good or bad ...,
What is the percentage of cancero...
50  cards
Vaccination and Immunisation
Has smallpox been eradicated,
Define the pasteur principle,
What are some of the vaccines we ...
27  cards
NHS Resources and Patient Rights
What was the original aim of the ...,
Explain some of the reasons why t...,
What is rationing on the nhs
24  cards
Blood Gas Analysis
State the scale of kpa to mmhg wh...,
Identify the main volatile and no...,
How are non volatile acids produced
55  cards
Effect of Stay in Hospital on Patients
Identify the main physical health...,
Identify the effects of hospitali...,
Identify specific effects of hosp...
24  cards
Evidence Based Medicine
State the primary purpose of the nhs,
Define evidence based practice,
Identify the main components of ebm
9  cards
RTIs 1
Which type of infection is respon...,
Identify examples of rtis,
What are our sources of infection...
33  cards
Antibiotics - Mechanism and Spectrum
What is the central principle of ...,
What processes structures in bact...,
Explain the general mechanism use...
52  cards
Obstructive and Restrictive Lung disease
What are the main kinds of obstru...,
What are the main kinds of restri...,
How are obstructive and restricti...
51  cards
RTIs (Pt 2)
What age groups are most affected...,
Pneumonia define transmission,
What is the most common cause of ...
59  cards
Define allergy,
What is the difference between an...,
Identify the four types of hypers...
29  cards
Science of Evidence Based Medicine
Identify the main study types wha...,
Identify the main review types wh...,
Describe the components of the ev...
35  cards
As a doctor what allergies are im...,
Explain how type ii hypersensitiv...,
Give examples of type ii hypersen...
14  cards
Tuberculosis: Pathogen, Pathology, Treatment
Describe the incidence of tb over...,
Explain the reasons for the recen...,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis struct...
42  cards
Lung Cancer
Identify smoking related lung dis...,
What is the common link between g...,
Identify the main kinds of emphys...
36  cards
Guided Studies
Identify some general principles ...,
Why is it important than the sign...,
Identify acceptable abbreviations...
142  cards
Cessation of Smoking
Identify the main health risks of...,
On average how many years do ciga...,
To what extent are the effects of...
31  cards
Consent and Confidentiality
Define consent,
Why is consent important,
What are the main types of consen...
34  cards
Psychological Factors and Asthma Control
Identify a factor which can incre...,
True or false difficult asthma is...,
Why are psychological factors imp...
27  cards
Treatment of Asthma and COPD
What are the primary routes of ad...,
What are the major groups of drug...,
What are the main inhaler devices...
35  cards
Collecting the Evidence
What are the basic components of ...,
Identify the pico in the followin...,
Identify the main information sou...
15  cards
Antibiotic Resistance
Define resistance,
Define intermediate resistance,
Define therapeutic index
31  cards
Presenting the Evidence
Define point estimate and confide...,
What is a 95 confidence interval,
What does a wide vs a narrow conf...
17  cards
Mechanism of action of Antifungals
List the main fungal agents that ...,
Define the main kinds of aspergil...,
Describe symptoms treatment of as...
20  cards

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