This class was created by Brainscape user Vanessa Bowden. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Early pregnancy
You are performing a laparotomy f...,
A woman has two 23 week pregnancy...,
An incompetent cervix can be due ...
45  cards
Maternal medicine
A black multigravid woman who und...,
At routine cardiovascular examina...,
A woman with severe idiopathic ca...
152  cards
High risk Obstetrics
Which one of the following is fal...,
Thyroid hormonea must be present ...,
Which of the following is not a f...
60  cards
Labour & Postpartum
Which is false regarding oxytocin...,
Which of the following statements...,
The infant feeding method most li...
68  cards
Fetal and neonatal
Complications in the fetus from i...,
Cardiovascular changes at birtha ...,
What is the blood volume of a new...
103  cards
A semen analysis in a 33yo man sh...,
In patients who receive clomiphen...,
The chance of pregnancy in a heal...
37  cards
Sexual health gynae
A 27 yr old lady with a diagnosis...,
A patient presents after a pap sm...,
The percentage of woman who exper...
72  cards
Benign gynae
Fibroids all of the following sta...,
Red degeneration of a fibroid a c...,
Regarding dermoid cysts a the mos...
101  cards
Gynae surgery and anatomy
Obese lady day 6 post hysterectom...,
What is the tissue effect if an e...,
The proven benefits of subtotal h...
64  cards
Paediatric gynae
A 13 year old girl has had a very...,
A 15yo has primary amenorrhoea sh...,
A 14yo had her first menses 6 mon...
37  cards
A major histologic ovarian struct...,
Which one of the following would ...,
A 50 year old patient has receive...
23  cards
The muscles of the levator ani co...,
A 50 year old woman is presents w...,
In a nulliparous woman without ev...
28  cards
Derm / vulva / FGM
Molluscum contagiosum is aa adeno...,
Which of the following is not tru...,
A cystic structure is found at th...
16  cards
Regarding thecoma which is wrong ...,
A 59 yo lady with a 6cm ovarian m...,
16 yo girl presents with pelvic d...
58  cards
A quality assurance program shoul...,
What does random allocation achie...,
You perform a biophysical profile...
37  cards
A woman s previous son has duchen...,
What percentage of patients are n...,
A man has an x linked disorder an...
23  cards
RANZCOG bank (2020)
Which of the following is the mos...,
Which of the following causes of ...,
Red degeneration of a uterine fib...
100  cards
Multichoice Questions (Milford - gynae)
Prev Qs - not my answers
289  cards
A quality assurance program shoul...,
Effective risk management is para...,
Which of the following is not a r...
20  cards
Select one with regard to perinat...,
The most common side effect that ...
2  cards
Anatomy MCQs
The primary group of lymph nodes ...,
Where does the paravaginal fascia...,
What structures would you not mee...
8  cards

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mcq revision

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