This class was created by Brainscape user Jasmine Kelly. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Renal Structure And Function
How much urine does a human produ...,
What 2 factors may decrease renal...,
What is the approximate weight of...
59  cards
Kidney As An Endocrine Organ
What is erythropoietin produced i...,
What does erythropoietin promote,
How does erythropoietin work
28  cards
Nose And Paranasal Sinuses
What epithelium is the nose,
What are the 3 different major ca...,
What are the 3 major arteries to ...
18  cards
Hypothalamus Pituitary Axis
What are 5 types of cells in the ...,
What does somatotrpohs produce,
What does corticotrophs produce
24  cards
What is the larynx,
What does the larynx do,
Where is the larynx located
47  cards
Chronic Inflammation And Wound Healing
What are the 4 phases of wound he...,
What do neutrophils do,
What do macrophages do
13  cards
Bone Physiology
What is the epiphysis,
What is the diaphysis,
What is the metaphysis
37  cards
What is the thyroid regulated by,
What is the thyroid made up of,
What does the colloid of the thyr...
24  cards
What is the epidermis layer of sk...,
What is the dermis layer of skin ...,
What is the hypodermic layer of s...
50  cards
Tissue Homeostasis
What can uncontrolled proliferati...,
What does not enough proliferatio...,
What is apoptosis
32  cards
Joints, Tendons, Ligaments
What is a joint,
What is a tendon,
What is a ligament
40  cards
Age Changes
What are some age changes in alve...,
What are age changes in the tmj,
What nerve and muscle age changes...
13  cards
What is the tidal volume,
What is inspiratory reserve volume,
What is expiratory reserve volume
8  cards

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mcq 1.3

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