mbg health & wellness coach

This class was created by Brainscape user Tiffany Husak. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Week 1 -The Case for Health Coaching
What is the key goal of a health ...,
Because health coaching is curren...,
What came first in the history of...
9  cards
Week 2 - Behavior Change Theory
What role does self determination...,
Social cognitive theory deals wit...,
Reframing a client s past success...
7  cards
Week 3 - Communication // Mindful Listening, MI, OARS, Scaling, Reflections
If the client is not yet ready to...,
Coach patricia i hear you saying ...,
The readiness to change ruler is ...
10  cards
Week 4 - Communication // Non-Violent Communication & Appreciative Inquiry
Which of the following is not one...,
Expressing empathy is a skill bas...,
In expressing empathy it is impor...
7  cards
Week 5 - The Arc of a Coaching Relationship
Which of the following would not ...,
While coaching agreements can var...,
Which of the following coaching a...
8  cards
Week 6 - Setting SMART Goals
Who decides what visionary items ...,
The client will boost their memor...,
The client will lose 20lbs is an ...
8  cards
Week 7 - Integrating Assessments & Measuring Progress
Wellness assessments are often us...,
The mbg wheel of well being has w...,
When working with assessments the...
10  cards
Week 8 - Difficult Conversations, Conflict Resolution & Ending the Coaching Relationship
Self management has to do with,
In the context of self management...,
Bottom lining is a coaching techn...
10  cards
Week 9 - Integration Week // Personal Development & Healing Presence
What are the indications that sha...,
What can a coach do when they fee...,
How is shadow work relevant for c...
9  cards
Week 10 - Mind-Body Skills in Coaching
How can mind body skills be valua...,
Oft belly breathing may help our ...,
What is the main function of mind...
10  cards
Week 11 - Models of Well-Being & Health on a Spectrum
According to the illness wellness...,
Well being is defined as,
The treatment paradigm can bring ...
20  cards
Week 12 - Lifestyle Factors: Stress & Resilience
Social isolation can be a predict...,
The hpa axis represents what organs,
Our rest digest mode of our nervo...
11  cards
Week 13 - Lifestyle Factors: Sleep
Adequate sleep is necessary to su...,
______________ is an inability to...,
______________ is a sleep disorde...
16  cards

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mbg health & wellness coach

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