This class was created by Brainscape user viv n. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Causes of disease overview
What do intrinsic within causes o...,
What are some extrinsic outside c...,
Is age a cause of diseases is it ...
7  cards
Cell growth and differentiation
What are the basic mechanisms res...,
What are the three groups of dise...,
What are the two main forms of ce...
32  cards
Cell death and damage
What is the function of necrosis,
What are the causes of necrosis,
What are the steps of necrosis 6 ...
29  cards
Mechanisms of disease during embryogenesis
What are the two main periods in ...,
What steps does the organism go t...,
Step 1 fetilisation where does fe...
15  cards
Stem cells and regenerative medicine
What are stem cells,
There are three main sources of s...,
Describe embryonic stem cells
21  cards
Overview of genomic technologies in clinical diagnostics
What is pcr,
How do you analyse the pcr produc...,
What is huntington s disease
21  cards
Nutritional Anaemia
What is the definition of anaemia,
What is haemoglobin,
What three main types of cells do...
43  cards
Haemolytic anaemias
What is haemolyic anaemia,
What is the normal rbc lifecycle,
What is haemolysis what occurs as...
43  cards
Disorders of blood coagulation
What is clotting,
What type of surface does blood v...,
What is primary haemostasis
27  cards
In born errors of metabolism
Define iem,
What causes iem,
In the croonian lectures what fou...
26  cards
Congenital diseases associated with central nervous system
What does the neural tube differe...,
When does neurulation occur,
What is the first step in morphog...
18  cards
Neurodegenerative diseases
What does neurodegenerative disea...,
What similar pattern do neurodege...,
When is onset of alzheimers what ...
28  cards
Diabetes and hypoglycaemia
How are blood glucose levels main...,
In the fed state what happens whe...,
What happens to insulin during th...
39  cards
Mechanisms of oncogenesis
What is the incidence of cancer,
How can cancer be prevented reduc...,
What is cancer
30  cards
Oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes
What are the four major functiona...,
What is an oncogene,
What is a tumour suppressor gene
29  cards
Tumour angiogenesis
What are the characteristics of m...,
What are the four key steps in ca...,
What is angiogenesis
26  cards
intro to leukaemia
What is leukaemia,
What three lineages are all blood...,
25  cards
Intro to lymphomas and myeloma
What is lymphoma,
What are the main functions of th...,
What is lymph fluid
28  cards
Intro to hormone dependent cancers: breast and prostate
What is a hormone,
In which organs are hormones prod...,
Hormones are grouped into 3 main ...
63  cards
Endocrine disorders
How does the hypothalamic pituita...,
What is hypothyroidism,
What is hyperthyroidism
39  cards
Calcium and phosphate metabolism
What is osteoporosis and its causes,
How is osteoporosis diagnosed,
What are the endocrine causes of ...
21  cards

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