This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Zdilar. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What are the three important gene...,
Commonest cns tumour regardless o...,
Difference in diagnostics between...
37  cards
Clinical signs
Quinckes sign meaning what it is,
Buergers test pvd how is it done ...,
Froments sign what does it test f...
8  cards
Respiratory medicine
Typical clinical presentation com...,
Typical clinical presentation hos...,
Typical clinical presentation aty...
12  cards
Gastrointestinal medicine
Highly specific antibody tested f...,
What is the most sensitive sle di...,
List 6 clinical signs associated ...
43  cards
Tcp mumps,
Tcp testicular torsion include o e,
Tcp testicular cancer include o e
7  cards
Head and neck pathology
Pathogenesis of oral cancer if hp...,
Best test for wegeners granulomat...,
Common pathogens causing infectio...
37  cards
Cardiovascular medicine
Endocarditis signs symptoms,
Major risk factor for aortic aneu...,
Tcp myocarditis
23  cards
Autoimmune conditions
Sle clinical features,
Sarcoidosis tcp,
Gca tcp
12  cards
What are the 3 main indications f...,
Antibiotic for mrsaone considerat...,
First line drug for diabetes know...
18  cards
Triad of symptoms in pcos,
What is type a insulin resistance,
Pathogenesis of diabetic microang...
23  cards
Normal hb levels in males females,
What are reticulocytes like why w...,
What symptoms are specific to ida
38  cards
Qn joint destruction is typicall ...,
Story to remember risk factors of ra,
What is felty syndrome what is th...
16  cards
Ddx for painless haematuria,
Smoky urine clinical sign meaning,
Pathophys of dysuria5 differentia...
21  cards
Sexual health
List the notifiable stis in austr...,
Strawberry cervix pathognomonic of,
Steps in mx of sti
11  cards
Breast conditions
3 aetiological factors for breast ca,
Describe the mutations in breast ...,
Receptor status of lobular cancer
3  cards

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