This class was created by Brainscape user Tawana Marimo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (72)

History Taking
Components of history taking,
Patient particulars and source of...,
Presenting complaint
24  cards
Blood Sampling
What do you do before you begin b...,
Name the blood sampling equipment...,
How do you identify and prepare t...
26  cards
FBC Interpretation
What is the appropriate volume of...,
State the pre analytical issues o...,
The role of automated analysers
35  cards
What are the features of a comple...,
What can be seen on microscopy,
Describe specimen collection and ...
15  cards
Blood Glucose Testing
What is hba1c test,
Interpretation of hba1c,
What is fasting blood sugar test
6  cards
Lumbar Puncture and Pericardial Tap
Indications for lumbar puncture,
Contraindications of lumbar puncture,
What equipment do you need for a ...
13  cards
Diabetes I
Describe insulin synthesis,
How is insulin secreted,
Where is insulin produced
38  cards
Diabetes II
Clinical definition of diabetic k...,
Biochemical definition of diabeti...,
Pathogenesis of dka
27  cards
Ascitic Tap Procedures
Diagnostic indications for asciti...,
Therapeuric indicatiosn for ascit...,
Ascitic drain technique
16  cards
Oxygen Therapy
Why is oxygen needed for survival,
What is anoxia,
40  cards
Basic ECG
What does a p wave indicate,
What does an st interval indicate,
What do t waves indicate
37  cards
Glasgow Coma Scale and Clinical Diagnosis of Death
What is the gcs,
Interpretation of gcs scoring,
Scoring of eyes
33  cards
What is sepsis,
Criteria for systemic inflammator...,
Sepsis and sirs
30  cards
Cardiac Emergencies
Name the common cardiac,
What is acute coronary syndrome,
Mechanism of acs
42  cards
Distribution of body solids and f...,
Normal plasma ranges of electrolytes,
Function of sodium
29  cards
Heart Failure
Classification of heart failure,
Causes of heart failure,
What is heart failure
52  cards
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
What is ibd,
2 main categories of ibd,
Causes of ibd
38  cards
Acute and Chronic Liver Disease
Functions of the liver,
What is acute liver injury,
Causes of acute liver injury
64  cards
LFT Interpretation
What is alt,
Normal range of alt,
What is ast
16  cards
What is diarrhea,
Classification of diarrhea,
Types of diarrhea
52  cards
What is hypertension,
What is blood pressure,
Blood pressure is represented by
69  cards
What is malaria,
Malaria parasites infect what org...,
What is malaria transmitted by
21  cards
Viral Hepatitis
1  cards
ART Treatment Regimens in Malawi
0  cards
Advanced HIV Disease
0  cards
Meningitis and CSF Analysis
What is meningitis,
Common differential diagnosisof m...,
Uncommon differential diagnosis o...
38  cards
Describe the structure of,
How is tb transmitted,
What is primary tb
54  cards
What patterns can be seen on a ch...,
Whats a consolidation,
What is an interstitial pattern
49  cards
What is asthma,
Asthma risk factors and triggers,
State environmental triggers of a...
44  cards
What is copd,
Airflow obstruction and copd,
Copd spectrum of abnormalities
32  cards
Respiratory acidosis and alkalosis
What maintains acid base balance ...,
What disrupts acid base balance i...,
What is the normal serum ph
29  cards
What is shcok,
Consequences of inadequate tissue...,
What are the stages of schock
65  cards
Valvular Heart Disease
Describing murmurs,
Timing of murmurs,
The 4 main listening posts on the...
51  cards
Rheumatic Fever
What is rheumatic fever,
Organism causes
43  cards
Adult emergency arrhythmia manage...,
Clinical features of bradycardia
31  cards
Blood supply to the brain,
What is the blood supply to the b...,
Circle of willis is famous for wh...
54  cards
Neurological History Taking
Presenting complaints,
29  cards
Acute Renal Failure
Functions of the kidney,
Effect of kidney failure on salt ...,
Effect of kidney failure on bp co...
33  cards
Describing joint disease,
Joint examination findings,
What can range of motion indicate
37  cards
Peptic Ulcer Disease
What is peptic ulcer disease,
Pud demographics,
Describe duodenal ulcers
34  cards
GI Bleeding
Initial evaluation of gi bleeding,
History in gi bleeding,
Physical exam of gi bleeding
20  cards
Classification of pancreatitis why,
Pancreatitis commonly causes
22  cards
Normal bilirubin,
Bilirubin metabolism
33  cards
Pulmonary Function Tests
Functions of the lungs,
How do the lungs perform their fu...,
What are the conducting airways
27  cards
What is alcohol,
Describe alcohol metabolism,
What are the 3 pathways in hepati...
31  cards
HIV and Neurology
What is the central nervous system,
What is the peripheral nervous sy...,
What is a lumbar puncture
40  cards
Glomerulonephritis and Nephrotic Syndrome
Functional unit of the kidney,
Causes of kidney injury
21  cards
Urinary Tract Infections
Classification of utis,
Epidemiology of uti,
Uti in men
41  cards
Chronic Kidney Disease and Chronic Renal Failure
Why is ckd common increasing and ...,
Risk factors for ckd,
Infectious risk factors for ckd
67  cards
What produces rbcs in the bone ma...,
Chemical regulation of the bone m...,
What is the lifespan of a reticul...
41  cards
Seminar Coagulopathies
0  cards
Rational Antibiotic Use
0  cards
HIV and Haemotology
0  cards
Blood Transfusion
0  cards
Oncological Emergencies
0  cards
Myeloproliferative Disorders
0  cards
Interstitial Lung Disease
What are diffuse parenchymal lung...,
Causes of dpld,
Infectious causes of dpld
17  cards
What is a seizure,
Symptoms of a seizure,
What is epilepsy
61  cards
Chest X-ray Interpretation
What are the x ray views,
Basic first steps of x ray interp...,
Assessing symmetry
17  cards
Causes of hyperkalemia
17  cards
Importance of calcium,
Normal calcium range,
Causes of hypercalcaemia
16  cards
Normal range for phosphate,
Importance of phosphate,
When do you experience symptoms o...
14  cards
0  cards
Diarrhea (DN)
Normal stool contents,
What is diarhhea,
Types of diarrhea
52  cards
SLE and Gout
Systemic lupus erythromatosus,
Criteria for sle diagnosis,
Soap criteria
26  cards
Hypertension Complications
Complications of htn,
Target organs,
Hypertensive heart disease
27  cards
Infective Endocarditis
What is ie,
What causes high mortality,
Poor prognostic facrors
46  cards
Lipid Profile
Major lipids present in plasma,
Complications of atherosclerosis
36  cards
Metabolic Acidosis and Alkalosis
What maintains acid base balance ...,
What disrupts acid base balance i...,
What is the normal serum ph
23  cards
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (LM)
Inflammatory bowel dsease,
Types of inflammatory bowel disease,
Ulcerative colitis
27  cards
Diabetes Management
Lifestyle modification,
Basic principles for recommended ...,
Non insulin therapies for t2 dm
39  cards
Pleural Tap
Diagnostic indications for pleura...,
Therapeutic indications for pleur...,
Transudative vs exudative pleural...
21  cards

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mbbs 3: internal medicine

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