math own

This class was created by Brainscape user Amrita Rana. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Exterior angles theorem,
Formula of exterior angles of reg...,
Formula of interior angles of reg...
52  cards
Mili meaning,
Centi meaning,
Deci meaning
3  cards
Chap 1 - number concepts
Different number groups,
Define natural numbers,
Define integer
19  cards
Chap 2 - Algebra
Simplify expression if possible,
Answer should not have brackets,
Indices laws
3  cards
Chap 3 - lines, angles, shapes
Define supplementary,
Define complimentary,
Angle of circle
57  cards
Chap 4 - collecting, organizing, displaying data
2 data types,
Define continuous data type,
Define numerical data type
24  cards
Chap 5 - Fractions and standard form
How to fractions,
How to x fractions,
How to fractions
8  cards
Chap 6 - equations and rearranging formula
What is a linear equations,
Note keep each side equal when so...,
Note find hfc and group same lett...
3  cards
Chap 7 - area, perimeter, volume
Properties of prism,
Perimeter of,
Perimeter of react square circle
22  cards
Chap 8 - probability
2 types of probability,
Define theoretical probability,
Define experimental probability
9  cards
random? - Statistics
Note correlation does not equal c...,
Types of correlation,
How to do scatter graph
3  cards
Chap 9 - sequence, Venn Diagrams
Define recursive rule,
Define geometric ruel,
Define arithmetic rule
29  cards
Chap 10 - Straight line, quadratic equations
Formula for straight lines,
Formula for gradient,
Formula for y intercept
21  cards
Chap 11 - Pythagoras, Similarity, Congruency
Formula for pythagoras,
Define similar,
Define congruent
11  cards
Chap 12 - measures of central tendency, measures of spread
What is mean how do you get it,
What is mean how do you get it,
What is mean how do you get it
25  cards
Chap 13 - measurement
1  cards

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math own

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