This class was created by Brainscape user Jamie Ford. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

What are the 4 orders of bird spe...,
What are the defining characteris...,
Where is the species of speniscif...
27  cards
Important Vocab
What is the importance of counter...
4  cards
Speciation and Evolution
Allopatric speciation,
Sympatric speciation,
Founder effect
9  cards
Morphology and Locomotion
What is a defining characteristic...,
Describe the key features of the ...,
What are the two major flight mus...
35  cards
Osmotic Homeostasis
What is osmotic homeostasis,
25  cards
Diving Physiology
What contributes to buoyancy in s...,
How do diving birds overcome buoy...,
What are some challenges that div...
18  cards
24  cards
Feather Structure
What are feathers made out of,
Describe the structure of bird fe...,
Why is the structure of feathers ...
8  cards
Breeding Biology I
Life History
30  cards
Breeding Biology II
Mate Selection, Displays, and Site and Mate Fidelity
30  cards
Foraging Ecology
What does foraging entail,
What are some life history constr...
45  cards
Diet and Foraging Behavior
What is a seabird diet composed of,
What are foraging fish,
Why are forage fish important to ...
43  cards
Techniques and Technologies for Studying Seabirds
Why is understanding at sea habit...,
42  cards
Colonial Breeding
Is a gregarious lifestyle common ...,
Do species that breed in colonies...,
What is a characterization of col...
49  cards
Abundance and Distribution of Macaroni Penguins in the Antarctic Peninsula
Guest Lecturer: Madeline Hallet
20  cards
Direct and Indirect Effects of Fisheries
What are some types of commercial...,
What are the two types of fishing...,
Active fishing gears
9  cards

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mar 377

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