This class was created by Brainscape user A W. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: A W

Decks in this class (11)

1.1- 2: Intro + Principles
Phase i trials,
Phase ii trials,
Phase iii trials
20  cards
1.3: Trial Objectives and Endpoints
Describe endpoints,
Hard vs soft endpoints,
Continuous response data clinical...
3  cards
1.4: Continuous response data
Direct testing procedure for comp...,
Two non typical approaches to com...,
Drawback of hypothesis testing fu...
4  cards
1.5: Binary response data
Risk difference and relative risk,
Assumption in intervals for binar...,
Cis for binary response data
5  cards
1.6: Cross-Over trials
Parallel and paired study design,
Cross over design principle,
Advantages of cross over trials x3
14  cards
1.7: Sample size determination
Limits on sample size,
Size of test and power,
One sample gauss test one sided
3  cards
2.1 - 3: Epidemiology intro, diagnostic testing and screening
Define epidemiology,
Define determinants,
Types of population
20  cards
2.4: Study design in epidemiological research
Fundamental principles of epidemi...,
Broad classes of epidemiological ...,
Benefit and drawback of intervent...
8  cards
2.5 - 6: Cohort vs Case control analysis
How are cohort studies analysed,
How are case control studies anal...,
How do the exposure and disease o...
6  cards
2.7 - 9: Confounding, matching and standardisation
Define confounders,
Describe some possible consequenc...,
Methods to control confounding
9  cards
3.1 - 2: Survival Analysis
Survival analysis definition,
What types of events may survival...,
Special features of survival data
14  cards

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