This class was created by Brainscape user Sean Laycock. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

15.1 Fundamentals
Newton s first law denotes what,
Equation for newton s second law,
4 stages of an engine
35  cards
Describe a diverging duct,
Describe a converging duct,
For air to smoothly flow into com...
40  cards
Compressors are made up of what,
What pressure do rotors increase,
Stator vanes do what
67  cards
For safe and efficient operation ...,
Characteristics of combustion cha...,
Two main components of combustion...
45  cards
The turbine drives what,
Two types of turbines,
What is the first main component ...
66  cards
What is newtons first laws of motion,
Which law describes the productio...,
What are the two forms of mechani...
10  cards
What type of duct does a conventi...,
What happens in the inlet duct wh...,
What effect will ram air have on ...
15  cards
Why are mid span shrouds used on ...,
Why are mid span shrouds coated w...,
What is the purpose of the kevlar...
20  cards
What components comprise the comb...,
How is the flame tube protected f...,
What will hotspots on the flame t...
13  cards
Where is the highest heat to meta...,
What are the different types of t...,
What 3 factors contribute to turb...
16  cards
In simple terms what does the exh...,
The exhaust nozzle does what,
What does the exhaust cone do
53  cards
Two types of oils,
Where are mineral oils only used,
What are the main tasks of oil on...
45  cards
What does the lubrication system do,
Most gas turbine engines are what...,
Supply filter is located where co...
23  cards
Two sections of aircraft fuel system,
What is the purpose of the second...,
Two subsystems of fuel systems
24  cards
3 sub systems of air systems,
3 subsystems of compressor contro...,
What s are air systems controlled by
14  cards
What loads to the attachment bolt...,
How are thrust and side loads tra...,
The support beam is connected to ...
23  cards
Engine fire or overheat detection...,
Two different types of continuous...,
Pneumatic pressure loop called a ...
22  cards
Who should you inform to do an en...,
If a ground run is taking place w...,
Three sections of engine monitori...
20  cards

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