lsm3216 neuron dev and diseases

This class was created by Brainscape user Jasper Chan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Lecture 1 - Neuronal Polarity
Why is asymmetry is critical for ...,
How does polarity emerge as neuro...,
What determines neuronal polarity
21  cards
Lecture 2 - Protein Trafficking
Polarity must be maintained but how,
How does the axon initial segment...,
What experiment was used to show ...
30  cards
Lecture 3 - Neural Induction and Pattern Formation
What are the genera major structu...,
What are the key concepts in neur...,
What is gastrulation what occurs ...
23  cards
Lecture 4 - Neuronal Migration and Axonal Pathfinding
How does migration in histogenesi...,
Describe the process of neurogene...,
How does corticogenesis occur in ...
21  cards
Lecture 5 - Neuronal Death and Neurodegeneration
What are some pathological differ...,
What is the general structural fe...,
The mitochondria is a central con...
20  cards
Lecture 6 - Neural Regeneration and Neural Stem Cells
What are the mechanisms of axonal...,
What are the regeneration problem...
17  cards
Lecture 8 - Glia Biology I
Glial cellswhat are these cells w...,
What is the glia neuron ratio,
What is the major classification ...
30  cards
Lecture 9 - Glial Biology II
Why did geron use a hesc line h1 ...,
Geron investigative new drug appl...,
What did geron find about onset o...
8  cards
Lecture 10 - Neurotrophic Factors I
Developmental process neurulation...,
How is phenotype controlled by si...,
What was the evidence that ngf af...
26  cards
Lecture 11 - Neurotrophic Factors II
What are the statistics for parki...,
What is the diagnosis for parkins...,
Other characteristics of pd
27  cards

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lsm3216 neuron dev and diseases

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