literature of the english renaissance ba

This class was created by Brainscape user R A. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: R A

Decks in this class (11)

Definitions and Facts
Define early modern period,
Define renaissance,
Whats the difference between emp ...
84  cards
Term One, Week One (Utopia)
What does utopia translate to in ...,
Define satire,
What is a humanist
6  cards
Term One, Week Three
What does poet mean in greek,
What is memento mori,
What does epideictic mean
3  cards
Utopia Quotations
What are the five themes that are...,
Briefly summarise book one of tho...,
What do the three characterisatio...
32  cards
William Shakespeare's Poetry Quotations
Summarise shakespeares sonnet 1,
What are the four themes in shake...,
What does shakespeare say about a...
41  cards
Ben Jonson's Poetry Quotations
Summarise ben jonsons on my first...,
What are the three themes that ma...,
How does ben jonson open his on m...
47  cards
John Donne's Poetry Quotations
What themes make up john donnes t...,
Summarise john donnes the flea,
How does john donne open the flea
49  cards
The Arden of Faversham Quotations
What four themes make up the arde...,
What does franklin say to arden i...,
What does arden say to franklin a...
31  cards
A Christian Turn'd Turk Quotations
What are the four themes that mak...,
Summarise act one of a christian ...,
What does ferdinand say in scene ...
36  cards
Dr Faustus Quotations
What are the themes that make up ...,
Summarise the prologue of dr faus...,
What is said about icarus in the ...
23  cards
The Early Modern Period Pt.2
When did the whitefriars theatre ...,
What years was the whitefriars th...,
What were the two play acting com...
3  cards

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literature of the english renaissance ba

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