This class was created by Brainscape user Ophelia Hawkins. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Stroke (pg 226)
What is a stroke,
What are the signs symptoms,
What are the treatments
3  cards
Diabetic Emergencies (pg 229)
What is hypoglaecemia,
What is hyperglycaemia,
What are hypoglycaemia symptoms
8  cards
Poisoning (pg 227)
What are the 3 types of poisoning,
How could poison enter body,
What are symptoms of poisoning
5  cards
Fainting (pg 225)
What is fainting,
What are causes of fainting,
What are symptoms of fainting
6  cards
Insect Bites/Stings (pg 228)
What are the risks,
What are the symptoms,
What are the signs
4  cards
Heart Attacks (pg 202)
Why does a heart attack occur,
What are the signs symptoms,
What are the treatments
3  cards
Shock (pg 203)
What is a shock,
What are the causes,
What are the symptoms signs
4  cards
Turning Casualty Onto Back (pg 171)
What is step 1,
What is step 2,
What is step 3
6  cards
Managing Regurgitation (pg 171)
What are the causes,
What are the dangers,
What are the treatments
3  cards
Chain Of Survival (pg 170)
Early r_______,
Early c________ r_________,
Early d__________
4  cards
Supervision of Specialist Training & Activities (pg 59)
0  cards
Early Intervention & Accident Prevention (pg 66)
0  cards
Types of CPR (pg 174-179)
What is the sequence of adult cpr,
What is the sequence for child in...,
What is the procedure for more th...
4  cards
Electric Shock (pg 217)
What can an electric shock result in,
What are the symptoms,
What are the signs
5  cards
Fractures (pg 218)
0  cards
Slings (pg 219)
0  cards
Dislocation (pg 220)
0  cards

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