This class was created by Brainscape user Michelle Esmati. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Structure and Function of Joints
What are the three main classes o...,
What is the annulus fibrosus and ...,
Types of movement allowed by syno...
28  cards
MSS Joint Disease and Arthritis
What is arthritis arthropathy,
What is synovitis,
What does this show
22  cards
MSS Inflammatory Arthropathies
Describe the epidemiology of ra,
Risk factors for ra,
Describe the pathogenesis of ra
23  cards
MSS Cartilage, Chondrocytes and Osteoarthritis
What is the clinical presentation...,
What are stages of cartilage brea...
19  cards
MSS Structure and Function of Skin
What does the integument or integ...,
What are the main functions of th...,
Label this to show the layers of ...
25  cards
MSS Effects of Environment of Skin
Why is the skin a vital organ,
Describe the different types of e...,
Describe the basal features of in...
17  cards
Common Dermatological Problems
Describe derm history taking,
How would you conduct a skin exam,
What is the skin lesion ref guide
32  cards
Rheumatological Therapies
Describe examples of nsaids,
What are the side effects of nsaids,
Describe steroids
19  cards
Neuromuscular and Muscular Disease
Peripheral nervous system pns and...,
Using this image describe the str...
33  cards
Fracture Biology
What is shown by numbers 1 6,
What is shown by numbers 7 13,
Where are most of the haemopetic ...
33  cards
Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism: Control
Describe the process of calcium a...,
Draw a diagram to show the distri...,
Draw a diagram to show the distri...
39  cards
Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism: Disorders
What are the 3 types of hyperpara...,
What is secondary hyperparathyroi...,
What is tertiary hyperparathyroidism
22  cards
Bone Remodelling and Osteoporosis
What is osteoporosis,
Where are the most common sites o...,
What are the functions of bone wh...
27  cards
MSS Multisystem Disease
Describe how ab test results have...,
A theme common to multisystem dis...,
Describe the genetics of ankylosi...
18  cards
ANATOMY Anatomy of the Forearm, Wrist and Hand 1
Describe the bones of the hand,
Label this,
34  cards
ANATOMY: Shoulder, Arm and Elbow Part 2
What are the shoulder spaces why ...,
Label this,
Label this
44  cards
ANATOMY Anatomy of the Forearm, Wrist and Hand 2
The superficial layer of the post...,
Describe brachioradialis,
Describe anconeus
22  cards
ANATOMY: Hip, Thigh and Knee
Which bones make up the pelvic gi...,
Describe the hip bones
58  cards
ANATOMY: Leg, Ankle, Foot
Label this,
What is the function of the inter...
16  cards
ANATOMY: Shoulder, Arm and Elbow Part 1
What are the functions of the upp...,
What are the parts of the upper limb,
Describe the scapula
45  cards
MSS Musculoskeletal Development
0  cards

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life structure

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