This class was created by Brainscape user Diya Kanani. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Topic 1 - Purposes of money
Define money,
What are the different forms of m...,
What are the different purposes o...
25  cards
Topic 3 - Payment Methods
What is cash used for,
4 advantages of using cash in tra...,
Why is budgeting an advantage of ...
31  cards
Topic 2 - The Personal Life Cycle
What is a personal life cycle,
What are the 7 different stages o...,
What could change as you go throu...
14  cards
Topic 4 - Everyday Banking
What makes a good current account,
Where can you buy a current account,
What do all current accounts do
24  cards
Topic 5 - Saving Products
Why do people save,
What are savings,
What could delayed spendings be for
34  cards
Topic 6 - Borrowing Products
What are the 4 different ways of ...,
Why do people borrow money,
What is the cost of borrowing
50  cards
Topic 7 - Providers
Give examples of providers of fin...,
What is a bank,
What is retail banking
42  cards
Topic 8 - Consumer Protection
What are the 4 organisations that...,
What were causes of the credit cr...,
What are investment operations
34  cards
Topic 9- Budgets And Forcasts
What are the main tools people us...,
What is a budget,
Why do people draw up a budget
42  cards
Topic 10 - Dealing With Unexpected Events
What financial product is designe...,
What are the four different types...,
What is general insurance
37  cards
Topic 11 - Dealing With Debt
What are 3 reasons people fall in...,
What are 4 things people should d...,
What are 4 advisory organisations...
40  cards
Topic 12 - Earnings
Who pays income tax or national i...,
What happens with taxes or ni,
Definition of national minimum wage
42  cards
Case Study - Vea
What are her liv,
What is her career,
How does work effect vea s living...
16  cards

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libf unit 1

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