lfz quiz questions

This class was created by Brainscape user Alex Davis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

How do you indicate the relative ...,
How do you indicate the relative ...,
How do you indicate the relative ...
4  cards
What html tag is used to link to ...,
What is an absolute url,
What is a relative url
3  cards
What is the difference between an...,
Is an html list a block element o...
2  cards
Where do you put non visible cont...,
Where do you put visible content ...,
Where do the and tags go in a val...
4  cards
Give five examples of html elemen...,
What is the purpose of html attri...,
Give an example of an html entity...
3  cards
How do block level elements affec...,
How do inline elements affect the...,
What are the default width and he...
4  cards
What is the purpose of an html fo...,
Give five examples of form contro...,
Give three examples of type attri...
4  cards
What are the six primary html ele...,
What purpose do the thead and tbo...,
Give two examples of data that wo...
3  cards
What are the names of the individ...,
In css how do you select elements...,
In css how do you select elements...
4  cards
Name three different types of val...
1  cards
What css properties make up the b...,
Which css property pushes boxes a...,
Which css property add space betw...
3  cards
What is a pseudo class,
What are css pseudo classes usefu...
2  cards
Name at least two units of type s...,
What css property controls the fo...
2  cards
What is the default flex directio...,
What is the default flex wrap of ...
2  cards
Why do two div elements verticall...,
What is the default flex directio...
2  cards
What is the default value for the...,
How does setting position relativ...,
How does setting position relativ...
7  cards
What are the four components of t...,
What does the term source order m...,
How is it possible for the styles...
5  cards
What is the purpose of variables,
How do you declare a variable,
How do you initialize assign a va...
13  cards
What data type is returned by an ...,
What is string concatenation,
What purpose s does the plus oper...
5  cards
What are objects used for,
What are object properties,
Describe object literal notation
5  cards
What are arrays used for,
Describe array literal notation,
How are arrays different from pla...
6  cards
What is a function in javascript,
Describe the parts of a function ...,
Describe the parts of a function ...
7  cards

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lfz quiz questions

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