This class was created by Brainscape user Ben Hallam. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Lecture 1. Pharmacokinetics 1
What are the four routes of admin...,
What is the clinical aim of a drug,
How do you calculate the therapeu...
46  cards
Lecture 2. Pharmacokinetics 2
What does iv bolus mean,
What is the apparent volume of di...,
What causes a low apparent volume...
34  cards
Lecture 3. Pharmacodynamics
What are receptors,
What are four different types of ...,
What responses caused by agonists...
33  cards
Lecture 4. Pharmacology of the Peripheral Nervous System: Form and Function
What makes up the central nervous...,
What makes up the peripheral nerv...,
What do afferent fibres carry
30  cards
Lecture 5. Nicotinic Receptors of the Neuromuscular Junction & Autonomic Ganglia
What competitively blocks reuptak...,
What is reuptake of choline depen...,
What synthesises ach from precurs...
34  cards
Lecture 6. Pharmacology of Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors & AChE
How many subtypes of muscarinic r...,
What is the representative tissue...,
What is the physiological respons...
43  cards
Lecture 7. Noradrenergic Transmission and the Monoamines
What are examples of catecholamines,
What is an example of a tryptamine,
What enzyme converts l tyrosine i...
68  cards
Lecture 8. Psychotropics and Psychostimulants: Use and Abuse
What part of the brain controls a...,
What parts of the brain control mood,
55  cards
Lecture 9. Purinergic Signalling
What are examples of adenine nucl...,
What are examples of adenine nucl...,
What is the neurotransporter for atp
50  cards
Lecture 10. Glutamatergic Synaptic Transmission and the Trafficking of Transmembrane Receptors
What is the major excitatory neur...,
What are l glutamate ligand gated...,
What are l glutamate g protein co...
41  cards
Lecture 11. General Anaesthetics
What are the three main neurophys...,
What are local anaesthetics,
What are general anaesthetics
57  cards
Lecture 12. Pain and Opioid Analgesics
What is the definition of pain,
What is pain coloured by,
What are the two components of pa...
78  cards
Lecture 13. Cannabinoids
What is marijuana cannabis,
When was serious interest for the...,
How many compounds do c sativa an...
47  cards
Lecture 14. Substance Abuse, Dependence and Treatment
What is substance abuse,
What is drug dependence,
What are the three main drugs peo...
67  cards
Lecture 15. Psychedelics - The Dawning of a New Age in Psychiatry?
What are the main three classes o...,
What are examples of lysergic drugs,
What are examples of lysergic drugs
40  cards

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lf261: neuropharmacology

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