level 3 health and social care anatomy and physiology (easyish)

This class was created by Brainscape user Molly Lawrence. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

What does the cytoskeleton do,
What does the golgi apparatus do,
What does the endoplasmic reticul...
21  cards
What 3 letters can be used to des...,
Does anaerobic respiration requir...,
Does aerobic respiration require ...
19  cards
Fatty tissue is technically known as,
What type of tissue is simple cub...,
What are the 4 main types of tissue
24  cards
Your dna is found in which organelle,
Dna id compactly wrapped into wha...,
Mendel worked out that some chara...
13  cards
cardio vascular
The circulation of oxygenated blo...,
Blood entering the heart passes t...,
The circulation of blood to the l...
23  cards
In cellular respiration what is t...,
The alveoli are surrounded by,
Expiration is the process of brea...
13  cards
musculo skeletal
The space where bones meet is cal...,
Generally muscles are attached to...,
A muscle that assists a set of ma...
12  cards
The development of eggs is trigge...,
The two funtions of the testes ma...,
The function of the prostrate is to
17  cards
The finger like projections of th...,
Once food has been chewed and enz...,
Do mucas and special muscular wav...
17  cards
The kidneys are so efficient at f...,
What are some of the main functio...,
The bladder holds between _______...
12  cards
Name one chemical barrier non spe...,
Name one physical barrier non spe...,
Is the lymphatic system one way
15  cards
What gland produces hormones that...,
What is a chemical messenger that...,
Hypothyroidism describes a condit...
10  cards
What is the gap between two neuro...,
Which type of neuron transmits in...,
Which part of a neuron received t...
14  cards

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level 3 health and social care anatomy and physiology (easyish)

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