legal studies unit 1 & 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Elyssa EGEBERG. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

1.A Achieving social cohesion & protecting individual rights
What is social cohesion,
Define the role of laws
10  cards
1.B Principles of Justice
Define the principles of justice,
Define one principle fairness,
Define explain one principle equa...
4  cards
1.C Characteristics of an effective law
Identify the characteristics of e...,
Define reflect society s values,
Define enforceable
6  cards
1.D Introduction to parliament and the courts
Explain the commonwealth australi...,
Explain the senate,
Explain the house of representatives
7  cards
Unit 1 AoS1 - Legal Foundations (SAC)
The role of individuals,
Laws in achieving social cohesion...,
The legal system in achieving soc...
17  cards
Unit 1 AoS2 - The Presumption of Innocence (SAC)
Outline the purposes of criminal law,
How is the presumption of innocen...,
Explain the age of criminal respo...
30  cards
Differences between summary offen...,
Describe the differences between ...,
How does the criminal law system ...
4  cards
Unit 1 AoS3 - Civil Liability (SAC 3)
Describe one purpose of civil law,
Explain the types of civil law,
Explain what is meant by the stan...
17  cards
Legal Studies Mid-Year Exam
Explain the role of individuals i...,
Explain the role of laws in achie...,
Explain the legal system in achie...
57  cards
Unit 2: SAC 1
What is the purpose of criminal law,
Define a sanction,
Explain the principle of justice ...
13  cards
Unit 2: SAC 2
Explain mediation,
Explain conciliaton,
Explain arbitration
19  cards
Victoria police,
Australian federal police,
Delegated bodies
30  cards

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legal studies unit 1 & 2

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