legal studies

This class was created by Brainscape user Jasleen Kaur. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Chapter 2: Rights and Justice
What are laws,
What is parliament,
What is the main purpose of laws
135  cards
Chapter 4: Determining a Criminal Case
Who is victoria legal aid vla,
Why is there a need for governmen...,
What is the vlas vision
185  cards
Chapter 5: Reforming the Criminal Justice System
Identify types of factors that ca...,
What two cost factors,
Explain how costs of legal repres...
46  cards
Chapter 6: The Civil Justice System
What is civil law,
What is the civil justice system,
What is a civil dispute
44  cards
Chapter 8: Reforming the civil justice system
What factors affect the ability o...,
What factors affect the ability o...,
What cost factors affect the abil...
40  cards
Chapter 7: Resolving a Civil Dispute
What are complaint bodies,
What is consumer affairs victoria...,
What is the role of cav
127  cards
Chapter 9: The People and the Law
When why and by whom was the magn...,
What is parliament,
What is a bicameral parliament
19  cards
Chapter 10: The People, The Parliament and The Constitution
What is a constitution,
What is the australian constitution,
What are the main features of the...
62  cards
Chapter 11: Checks on Parliament in Law-Making
Is parliament the supreme law mak...,
What is meant by the supreme law ...,
Does parliament have absolute power
58  cards
Chapter 12: Changing and Protecting the Australian Constitution
What is the high court,
Outline what sections 7 and 24 of...,
Define the system of representati...
32  cards
Chapter 13: The Parliament
What four factors affect the abil...,
What are the roles of the hor,
What are the roles of the senate
34  cards
Chapter 14: The Courts
What is the main role of the courts,
In which situations do courts mak...,
What is a precedent
53  cards
Chapter 15: Law Reform
What is the main aim of laws,
What is social cohesion,
List characteristics of an effect...
40  cards

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legal studies

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